Page 114 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 114
Budget Work session between the first BUDGET AMENDMENTS
and second City Council meetings in
August As provided for in the ordinance
adopting the budget, the City Council
According to Texas Tax Code, a public may, at the recommendation of the City
hearing is required before adopting a tax Manager or on its own volition, transfer
rate which exceeds the lower of the part or all of any unencumbered
voter-approval tax rate and the no-new- appropriation balance from one
revenue tax rate. According to the department or fund to another
Texas Local Government Code, a public department or fund by resolution if they
hearing is also required before adopting feel that a change in the budget is
the annual budget. Special notice of the necessary to fulfill municipal purposes.
dates and times of the public hearings
are posted on the City’s website, the 5 YEAR PROJECTIONS
posting board, and the Fort Worth Star-
Telegram. 5 year projections play a critical part in
the budget process. Finance
All of the ordinances - the tax rate department prepares 5 year fund
ordinance, the budget ordinance, the projections on various funds based on
utility ordinances, and the fee schedule historical and current trends. These
ordinance - require two readings before projection models allow management to
they are adopted pursuant to the City review and make informed decisions
charter. while evaluating the impact over a 5
year period.
The budget and tax rate are required to
be adopted by September 29 or the
City Manager budget presented by the
City Manager will become the budget for
the following fiscal year.
After the budget is adopted,
departmental heads and managers take
into consideration base budget and
decision packets approved by City
Council and begin to plan for the next
year's budget process by including
those decisions in their planning