Page 113 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 113

presentations are made to the City                 and to allow the mixing of all decision
               Manager’s Office and Finance.  Key                 packets into a master priority list for
               focus areas in the presentation may                consideration during the remainder of
               include goals, accomplishments, cost               the budget process.
               containment strategies, fee schedule
               changes, and supplemental package                  The budget documentation is reviewed
               request.                                           by the budget team, consisting of the
                                                                  City Manager, Deputy City Manager,
               After the budget kickoff, budget                   Finance Director and other support staff
               information are distributed to each                meet with department heads, including
               director. Budget packets include a                 their supporting staff. Main focus is
               budget preparation manual, calendar,               given to the supplemental requests for
               and an excel budget template for fee               the upcoming year’s budget.
               changes and supplement request.
               Supplemental request are completed                 Additions and deletions are made to the
               individually with a summary of all the             budget based the City Manager’s
               request listed by priority.                        request, while the revenue forecasting
                                                                  which began in early April continues
               Department heads prepare year end                  until July 26  when the certified tax rolls
               estimates for the current budget, and              are distributed to municipalities.
               ensure estimates do not exceed                     REVENUES
               budgeted amounts at the department
               level.                                             Finance Department prepares estimates
                                                                  for revenues and projections for the
               After the proposed base budget                     coming year’s revenues based on
               estimates are completed, departments               available historical data and economic
               develop decision packets for service               trends. Departments review the fee
               enhancement they wish to propose to                schedule and request changes by
               the City Manager for the next fiscal year.         submitting a fee change form to
               All requests for new personnel, fleet, or          Finance. Fee changes are discussed
               equipment which represent net additions            during the department budget
               to operations are considered service               presentation
               enhancements. The department must
               describe the program, itemize all new
               costs and provide an explanation of why            Once the certified tax roll is received,
               the decision packet request is needed.             calculations are made to determine the
               Decision packets are prioritized                   no new revenue tax rate, no new
               according to needs perceived by the                revenue maintenance and operations
               departments. Each decision packet is               tax rate, debt rate, and voter’s approval
               prepared as a separate request to allow            rate.  The City Manager presents his
               for independent consideration of each              budget to City Council at a special

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