Page 77 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 77

                                         IN COMPARISON TO FY2021-2022 BUDGET

               DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION               EXPENSE                CHANGE EXPLANATION
               GENERAL FUNDS (cont.)
               Fire Department                    $604,050  salary, benefits, retention, step, TMRS &  position adjustments
                                                          inflation adjustments
                                                          administrative assistant addition
                                                          consolidated program cost adjustment
                                                          NEFDA dues increase
                                                          state certifications adjustment
                                                          preventive maintenance adjustments
                                                          NFPA PPE cleaning mandate adjustment
                                                          training prop - one time new request
                                                          new request FY21-22 adjustment
               Public Works - Street Division     $118,790  salary, benefits, retention, TMRS  & position adjustments
                                                          position reinstatements
                                                          inflation adjustments
                                                          street sign blanks - one time new request
                                                          traffic signals upgrade - one time new request
                                                          mandated CDL license training adjustment
               Public Works - Fleet Services      $100,180  salary, benefits, retention, TMRS  & position adjustments
                                                          inflation adjustments
                                                          freon machine - one time new request
                                                          diagnostic update
               Public Works - Facilities Maintenance  $207,760  salary, benefits, retention, TMRS  & position adjustments
                                                          inflation adjustments
                                                          ACO foundation repairs- one time new request
                                                          misc. flooring replacement - one time new request
                                                          utilities estimated increases
                                                          ispections costs increase
                                                          HVAC EPA mandated training
               Economic Development Corporation   ($40,518)  programs adjustment
                                                          State of the City adjustment
                                                          software maintenance adjustments
                                                          training needs for new position
                                                          estimated legal cost adjustment
                                                          GovPilot subscription deletion
                                                          Community Enrichment Center gala deletion
                                                          Zac Tax sales tax platform addition
                                                          WEDC website
                                                          transfers adjustment
               Crime Control District             $422,650  salary, benefits, retention, step, TMRS &  position adjustments
                                                          mental health officer addition
                                                          inflation adjustments
                                                          vehicles graphics refresh - one time new request
                                                          Axon refresh program - one time new request
                                                          honor guard program - one time new request
                                                          crime scene barriers - one time new request
                                                          safety cameras/ALPR - one time new request
                                                          transfers adjusment
                                                          capital outlay plan - three vehicles
                                                          investigation expenses increase
                                                          Fort Worth radio contract adjustment
               Finance - Municipal Court Technology Fund  $3,919  ticket writers - one time new request
                                                          inflation adjustments
               Municipal Court Truancy Prevention Fund  $2,730  salary, benefits, retention and TMRS adjustment
                                                          estimated teen court fees adjustment
               PROPRIETARY FUNDS
               Storm Drain Utility Fund           ($179,426) salary, benefits, retention and TMRS adjustment
                                                          inflation adjustments
                                                          GIS consulting services adjustment
                                                          mandated CDL license training adjustment
                                                          grounds maintenance contract adjustment
                                                          capital projects adjustment
               Water Sewer Administration         $12,300  salary, benefits, retention and TMRS adjustment
               Water Sewer Non-Departmental       $43,100  GIS consulting services adjustment
                                                          estimated payout adjustment
                                                          digital budget book
                                                          investment advisor services adjustment
                                                          insurance broker adjustment

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