Page 345 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 345
THENCE' South 00 deit 21 rr( nines 28 seconds rest. 36i. G0 fest to a t/ 2' ( ran set at the
bi; inn try of a non—tarcgtnt curve to the right, vita se rwttus Cs 60. 00 feet and who se Long chard
bears South 00 degrees 21 mtnules 28 seconds • est. 60. 00 fest.
TIIEASE along said curve to a souther(, d. recHort. thrvay; A a centrist anyo; 73 debris 44 minutes
23 securc. 4. a, a distance of 64. 35 fest to a 1/% Cron set;
THENCE South 00 degrees 21 minutes Z6' seconds rest, 847. 63 ' est to a tAr iron
set at the b. y tr n( rig of a curve to t! u rig hl 4A: s e rads a s ( a 4 j 31 fit t atut whose Lon.; chord bears
South 17 decrees £ 2 minutes 28 seconds rest 274. 10 feet;
THENCE sa( 4 curve ( tt a
aouthuatstarty direction through a centrut a of 34 degrees 01
a. ong
minutes 68 seconds, a dCif ance of 278. 17 feet to a t/ 2' iron set at the end of said curve;
THENCE Soul.'% 34 decrees 33 minutes 26 seconds rest. 390. 49 feet to a 1/ 2" Cron set at the
begtnntng of a curve t c the left, tut-ose ru4ius a 404. 00 feet ani' who se tang chord bears South 20
degrees 17 minutes 24 seconds rest. t 9.6. 85 fist:
THENCE along said curve ( rt a rou: her., 4( 1n. tivvui; h a central angle or 25 degraes 12 minutes
0' srcon& s, a dtstanc• of 198. 85 feet to a r/" 2' iron it at ( ha trtd of ea(. i curve.
THENc,: Soulh 06 d• t,-rees tt minutes 23 ear ands rest, passing the northurest corner or thud ctrta(n
bait if 14114 conc^. i,. to Murt< n and Karon Fourid.a on DrUl( np Contractors. Co., by deed reccnled
in V. turns 6985. J' og• L7'. 1). e Recant.. T. arrvnl Cloun1;, Tesas. and con tCricking a. onj ( As we t,1 ( t
of said Martin k Martin Foundation rilling Contracto , C.. truce. in att. 382. 02 feet to a 1/ 2 iron
found lr the north line of sold rota Rad. aid point btin; in a curs.• to the Left whose radius
o *
is 2924. 79 feet and whose tong chord bears North 63 discreet 36 Intrudes t4 seconds rest. 6314
THENCE alone the u.--• th tine of said ra. t a Road and along raid curve, In a use ttriy d( rettio.n.
lhrvugh a c. ntrul angle of 01 degrees t0 mtrust: s 13 seconds. a distaste of 68. 14 feel to ( A.. POINT
OF BEGINNING and conta(r(ni 80. 661 acres if lana
Park Vista PID 22- 23 Annual Service Plan Update Page 5 of 5