Page 344 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 344
Exhibit B
Legal Description
80. 551 acres ritua. ls1 to the r( LL: tM EVANS SURVEI: AtsL No. 467 and the DAVID L. £ 4L.... SURVEY.
A44 N. 700. City of Fort ror( A. City of Watauga and Ws intoorporv.led Tarrant County. Te sal. Erin„ a
portion that cartoon tract of Land convoyed to Hacvrer Rupert Ltm( 1. d Partnership. by deed
recorded to Yolune 12451. Page 1824, Dud Record*. Tarrant County. Teras. said 80. 661 acres bet ng
more par tt.culart y de: crib ed, as lot: ours:
C wrrtrnen. iry; al a l/ 2" iron fund to the nor IA tine of Watauga Ii o414 ( a I: 0 f o of R. O. rj at the
southeast corner of that crrta( n tract of Land conveyed to Millwood - Park Cunt, Ltd.. try deed
in Volum9357. Payr 3424, eed Records. Tarrant County. Terns;
recorded e
THEN CC North 86 de; rye r 07 minutes 11 seconds East. a: ang the earth line of said Watauga Road.
65. 86 feet to a I/ 2 iron font.; at the beginning of a curve to the sight. whose radius is 1924. 79
flet and who st tong chord bears North 62 degrees 24 minutes 65 seconds East. 133. 72 feel;
THENCE continuing along the t- rrth time of said Watauga Road and along said curve in an ea " rip
den otion through a central angle of 02 digrses 37 minutes It seconds. a distance of 133. 73 feet to
a 1/ 2" Iron set at tha Point Of Beginning of the ha rein described tract;
THENCE North 06 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds East. 337. 72 feet to a I/.:" iron set at tM
bey; trtn( nq of a curve to the right. whose radius ( s 47:. 00 feet and whose long chord bears North 16
degrees 13 minutes 38 seconds East. 164. 53 feet,
THENCE along said curve in a northerly direction. through a central angle of 20 dtgs- ers 04 minutes
26 seconds, a distance of 165. 37 feet to a 1/ 7" iron set in a curve to ( ha left. whose radius is
200. 00 feet and Jose long chord bears North 77 degrees 31 minutes 1J seconds rest 72. 88 feet;
THENCE along said curve in a westerly direct-tory through a central angle of 20 degrees 59 minutes
45 secorvii. a distance of 73. 22 feet to a I/ 2' earn set at the end or said curve;
THENCE North 88 degrees 01 minutes 06 sicvn, is lest, 443. 97 feet to a fes" iron sit it the west
lou o; said Havener Rupert LA rid ted Partnership tract and the east line of said Httlwood -- Park
Clen. Ltd. tract:
THENCE North CO degrees 4+ minute 0: seconds rest along the common line of said h'awnrr
Rupert Limited Pargil rrshtp and /( Uluwod - Park Cion Ltd.. tracts. 1 355. 5 1 feet to a 1/ 2" iron
THE tot' L' North 89 degrees 3O minutes 17 seconds rest, continuity atony the common tine of said
Havener Rupert Untied Partnership and HtLiwood - Park Clem, Ltd. tracts. 1264. 52 feet to a // 2"
irons found at the most u. eslerly southwest corner of said Havener - Rupert Limited Partnership
tract in the rust ( ine of Haat certain tract of land conveyed to WPC - Bu. surood Drvetopernertt
Csryorutian. by deed recanted in Vo00T14 12172. Page 796. Deed Records, Tarrant Count;/. Te Las.
THENCE North 00 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds rear. along Cho common line Of said /( ay. ner
Rupert Limited Partnership and 1VPC - Vasn.. 00d Devitopment Corporation tracts. 973. 19 feet to a
1/ iron found at the nu-rCAwut corner o; said Havener Rupert Limited Partnership tract:
THENCE North 8J decrees 52 minute 25 seconds East. cont: inuirtj along the comnnunt line of said
Havener Rupert L( mitid Purtrerzh( p and IPC - Basswood Drvelapme Corporation tructr. passing
lht soul/ utast corner of said 1r/` C - Baszuvod D. vlol. rrurn/ Corporation tract. passing the soutMae at
and southeast corrters of PHASE IY, SECTION 2, -/' AHK CLEW ADD. 770h. an Addition W the City of
Fort Worth Turrunt County. Texas accordiry; to Plast recorded ( rt Plot Ca' rinet A. Slide 329, Plat
Re cores. Torrent Countrx Toms and pra. t: i. T. y LA+ tw.tlw. st cv- r.. r of PIG( SE. I; SEC JON ' I. PARK
GLEN ADDITION an Addition to the City of felt forth. Tarrant County. Tie.' s. according to Plat
recorded in Plat Cabinet A. Slide J76, Pia: Records, Tarrant County. Teras an-f conhnutn agony IA,
camnion line said Havener Ru rt Limited Part norsh( p tract and said PfLtSE 1V; SECTION 1, PARA
CLEW ADD,' TTON. in at:. 2346. 16 freet to a 1/ 2"
T/( Eh' CE South 00 dentes C. minutes 25 s. co* vds East. 349. 74 fuel la a 1/.:' ( run found at ( A.
beginning of a non- tangent cunt to the rig hl. w hose radius is 50 00 feet arid whas r long chord
bears South 00 digress L: nntrndes 15 seconds Last 8105 feet;
THENCE atone? said curve en u souLstwetterty direti.:n through a crnlrat anger of 110 degrees 16
nn( nul. r 36 seconds. a distarce of 96. 24 fist ( o a 1/ 2" ( run set
THENCE South 00 deg-- eel 62 rrt( rwtes 25 seconds East. 106. 02 feel lc a 1/ 2" iron rut:
THENCE North 89 degrees 35 ntinutts 32 seconds rest 141. 72 fret to a l/ 2" trim set.
Park Vista PID 22- 23 Annual Service Plan Update Page 4 of 5