Page 276 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 276


            Wastewater Projects – Such projects include improvements, expansions, or construction of
            wastewater  lines  in  the  City.    Many  of  these  projects  are  implemented  to  stay  within  EPA
            Administrative Orders.  These projects are included in the Water and Sewer Capital Fund.

            Water Projects – Such projects include new waterlines or improvements to existing waterlines
            for future development or existing customer needs.  These projects are included in the Water
            and Sewer Capital Fund.

            Parks Projects – Parks projects improve the quality of life of Watauga residents and projects in
            the Parks Master Plan such as trails and parks improvements are included in the 5-year Capital
            Improvement Plan.

            Accounting for CIP Projects - The funds are accounted for on the modified accrual basis of
            accounting.  Revenues are recorded when available and measurable, and expenditures are
            recorded when the liability is incurred.  The Capital Projects Funds account for the acquisition
            of and construction or reconstruction of major capital facilities, infrastructure, and equipment.
            The  projects  are  financed  with  resources  allocated  to  the  General  Capital  Projects  Fund,
            Economic Development Corporation Capital Fund, and the Water and Sewer Capital Projects


            It has been the goal of the City of Watauga to have a Capital Improvements Program that is
            focused  on  adding  value  and  extending  the  life  of  City  infrastructure  with  no  increase  in
            operating costs or property tax.   Consideration is given to debt issuance only if the overall tax
            rate remains unchanged and to prioritizing projects that will either decrease operational costs
            or have little or no operational cost impact.

               ❖  FY2003-FY2011, the City was focused on an aggressive facilities campaign. During this
                   time, we constructed a new City Hall and Animal Shelter, and upgraded facilites for the
                   Police  and  Recreation  departments,  along  with  upgrades  to  major  streets.  The  new
                   Fire/EMS facility, was completed in FY2011, for just under $3.8 million dollars.

               ❖  FY2011-FY2021,  the  City’s  focus  began  to  move  from  constructing  and  renovating
                   facilities to the city’s infrastructure and the need for replacement of outdated equipment
                   and vehicles city-wide.  In July of 2011, in order to fund future capital projects and needed
                   equipment, the City issued $7.365 million in Combination and Limited Pledge Revenue
                   Certificates of Obligation.  This new issuance was designed to fund street improvements,
                   water and sewer and drainage projects, purchase of new equipment, vehicles, machinery,
                   and technology purchases.  The issuance was timed to allow the City to maintain relatively
                   the same amount of debt as prior years for both the General Fund and the Utility Fund.
                   In  July,  2012,  the  City  issued  $7.73  million  in  new  debt  for  the  utility  fund.  With  this
                   issuance,  the  City  embarked  on  major  improvements  in  the  City’s  water  and  sewer
                   infrastructure.  The projects began in FY2013 were completed in FY2018.  In FY2013,

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