Page 273 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 273


                                       EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND
                                Internal Service Fund  – 22  Budget Summary

               The Internal Service Fund is used to account for the acquisition of various replacement capital
               items in the City.  The objective of the fund is to accumulate sufficient funds to meet the capital
               needs  of  the  City.   The  fund  is  accounted  for  on  the  modified  accrual  basis  of  accounting.

               Revenues are recorded when available and measurable, and expenditures are recorded when
               the liability is incurred.

               Beginning in the FY2013-2014 Budget Year, the use of the Equipment Replacement Fund was
               enhanced for all the City one-time purchases for all funds.  We have continued this commitment
               this year and have evaluated prior year purchase equipment, vehicle, technology, and building
               maintenance needs.  We began funding a portion of these future needs in FY2014-2015 Fiscal
               Year as the Legacy Program.  Transfers for capital financing of major equipment purchases will
               be made from funds on an annual basis based on the purchases made per fund.

                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                      HISTORY                   PROJECTED YEAR        BUDGET
                                                2019-2020   2020-2021    2021-2022   2021-2022    2022-2023
                                                 Actual      Actual       Budget      Projected     Budget
                Working Capital, October 1      $2,095,530  $1,789,726    $1,494,612  $1,793,639   $1,692,399
                Total Revenue Charges for Service $           92,460  $          92,890  $          92,460  $          92,460  $        87,660
                Other Revenues:
                     Interest Income                36,586       4,121        10,000       5,000        5,000
                Total Other Revenue            $           36,586  $            4,121  $          10,000  $            5,000  $           5,000
                Total Transfers-In                $174,500     $89,000      $110,000    $110,000      $50,000
                Total Revenues                    $303,546    $186,011     $212,460    $207,460     $142,660
                     Motor Vehicles - CCD                                         0           0            0
                     Other Equipment - CCD                                        0           0            0
                     Motor Vehicles & Equip W&S                                   0           0            0
                     Storm Drain Vehicles and Equip  61,253     39,413       50,000      50,000      435,000
                     Motor Vehicles - General Fund                                0           0            0
                     Other Equipment - General Fund  22,801         0             0           0            0
                     Technology Replacement - GF   198,787          0             0           0            0
                     Technology Replacement - FIN                   0        50,000      50,000            0
                     Motor Vehicles - Fire                                        0           0            0
                     Fire Department Equipment       1,106          0             0           0            0
                     Furniture and Fixtures/Office Equip  6,798     0         4,200       4,200            0
                     Public Works Vehicles         116,126      94,223       90,000      90,000            0
                     Motor Vehicles - Parks                                       0           0            0
                     Recreation and Parks Equipment  23,397         0             0           0            0
                     Water Meter Program            11,604          0        37,500      37,500       50,000
                     Bldg/HVAC                      76,495      48,462       77,000      77,000       30,000
                     Depreciation Expense/Transfers Out  408,341  280,366         0
                Total Operating Expenditures       926,708     462,464      308,700     308,700      515,000
                Operating Surplus/(Deficit)       (623,162)   (276,453)      (96,240)   (101,240)    (372,340)
                Working Capital, September 30*  $1,472,368  $1,513,273    $1,398,372  $1,692,399   $1,320,059

                *Adjusted to end of year actual Working Capital

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