Page 281 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 281


                                     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
                                                   BUDGET SUMMARY
                                            FUND 05 - CAPITAL PROJECTS

                                                   HISTORY                   PROJECTED YEAR      BUDGET
                                            2019-2020   2020-2021     2021-2022    2021-2022     2022-2023
                                              Actual      Actual        Budget     Projected     Proposed

            Fund Balance, October 1           $244,179     $38,835       $29,835      $38,660       $33,760
                 Interest Earnings                 989          61           500          100          100
                 Proceeds from Sale of Assets        0           0             0            0             0
                 Transfer from EDC Sales Tax Fund    0           0             0      375,000             0
                 Other Financing Sources             0           0             0            0             0
                 Matching Grants                     0           0             0            0             0
            Total Revenues                        $989          $61          $500    $375,100          $100

            Total Available Resources         $245,167      $38,896       $30,335    $413,760       $33,860

                 Purchase of Property                0           0             0      375,000             0
                 Foster Village Improvements         0           0             0            0             0
                 Shade Structure - Indian Springs    0           0             0            0             0
                 Park Equipment (Picnic Pads, etc.)  0           0             0            0             0
                 Capp Smith Park Improvements  206,332         236             0            0             0
                 Capp Smith Improvements EDC         0           0             0            0             0
                Contingency                          0           0        10,000        5,000        10,000
            Total Expenditures                 206,332         236        10,000      380,000        10,000

            Other Expenditures
                 Transfer to PDC Debt Service        0           0             0            0             0
            Total Other Sources (Uses)               0           0             0            0             0

            REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES   ($205,343)      ($175)       ($9,500)    ($4,900)      ($9,900)

            Fund Balance, September 30         $38,835     $38,660       $20,335      $33,760       $23,860

            CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE           ($205,343)      ($175)       ($9,500)    ($4,900)      ($9,900)

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