Page 478 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 478

                                      Southlake 2030 Sustainability Plan: Financial Wellness
                            SOUTHLAKE 2030 SUSTAInABILITY PLAn: FInAnCIAL WELLnESS

                                           [SOUTHLAKE 2030]                              Sustainability Master Plan

                                 ECONOMIC/FISCAL WELLNESS

           Ensure monetary resources are provided in a fiscally conservative manner necessary to support
           the community’s needs.

           The purpose of the Economic/Financial Wellness section of the Sustainability Plan is to understand the City’s future
           ability to maintain current level of services and fund the recommendations adopted as part of the Southlake 2030 Plan.
           The Southlake 2030  Plan  contains 17 different  elements and those elements include recommendations for future
           infrastructure and programs to allow the City to maintain a similar level of service as is being experienced today.  To
           assist the City in this analysis, the  City retained  private consulting firm  of  CityBase.Net, Inc.  whose principal  Lewis
           McClain has over 30 years of experience working in local government creating financial plans.  This final section of the
           Sustainability Plan will  analyze the  City’s ability to  maintain  service levels, and to implement the recommendations
           proposed in the various Southlake 2030 plans.

           This plan is the culmination of a number of concerted efforts and decisions rooted in sound management principles
           established over the last two decades. It has been an ongoing process. A plan is a snapshot and has great value, but a
           process is ongoing and adaptive. The process has boundaries yet envisions flexibility as events and assumptions change.
           With this plan the City is memorializing strong financial management practices and committing to continue their use into
           the future to ensure financial wellness.    SS

                    Support Resource
                   Allocation Decision
                      Making with         Achieve
                     Prioritization of   Fiscal Health
                 Systematically            Identify, Define
                Evaluate Program           and Value the
                                            Results of
                  Efficiency  Value Programs   Government
                             Evidence of their
                                Based on
                               Influence on

           Economic and Fiscal Wellness
           Economic or fiscal wellness is a balance between today’s financial position and the financial needs of tomorrow. It is
           maintaining control  over  current reserves, debt and expenditures to ensure the City is  able to meet the financial
           requirements of the future. It aligns “ability to pay” with the 2030 Plan initiatives. A comprehensive understanding of
           inflows and outflows of resources and the economic pulse that drives both, fiscal wellness places the City in the enviable
           position to  weather future financial  challenges  or economic changes, and achieve responsible funding for approved
           projects.  Believing that today’s decisions impact the City’s financial future,  strong analysis and a commitment  to
           responsible financial principles must be incorporated into the management framework.

           Much like individual financial planning, it is important to the City to ensure future financial viability and to maintain the
           quality of living and standards of service desired by Southlake citizens. The Sustainability Plan offers a transparent view
           of the City’s current financial position and clearly outlines the future funding needs and the City’s ability to meet those

           Ordinance No. 1104, Adopted February 17, 2015   [SOUTHLAKE 2030]                                     61

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