Page 71 - GFOA Draft 2
P. 71

             These  revenues  other  miscellaneous  revenue  sources  that  are  not  included  in  another  category.  They  include
             reimbursements from other entities for servies provided by the City. FY19/20 includes federal CARES act funding through
             Tarrant County and FY22/23 includes American Rescue Act Plan funding. The estimate is based on current trends as well
             as any known one time revenue streams.
                                                      OTHER REVENUE

                 In Thousands  $1,000                                                                 $917

                                                             $326     $475            $424    $426
                             13-14   14-15   15-16   16-17   17-18   18-19    19-20   20-21   21-22   22-23
             The  transfers  from  other  funds  includes  the  Enterprise  Fund  paying  it's  share  of  administrative  costs  reported  in  the
             General Fund such as vehicle maintenance, postage, IT services, bank fees, and legal and audit services. The CCPD Fund
             pays for the salaries and bene ts of ten Police O cers, one Public Service O cer, one Dispatcher, and one half the cost of
             a School Resource O cer. The Drainage Utility Fund pays for the cost of two Drainage Utility Maintenance Workers. The
             increase re ects a salary increase.
                                            TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS

                    $2,000                                                           $1,950  $2,008
                                                                     $1,797  $1,884
                 In Thousands  $1,000

                             13-14   14-15   15-16   16-17   17-18   18-19    19-20   20-21   21-22   22-23

             USE OF FUND BALANCE
             The use of fund balance in FY12/13 was for the City Hall project. The use of fund balance in FY17/18 was for one time
             capital  purchases.  The  budgeted  use  of  fund  balance  in  FY20/21  is  for  one  time  capital  equipment  and  a  budgeted
             transfer of $2,600,000 to the Capital Projects Fund for the Bailey Boswell Overpass project. The FY21/22 budgeted use of
             fund balance is for one time capital items and a developer agreement payment for "The Square".

                                                  USE OF FUND BALANCE

                    $2,000                                                                   $1,901
                 In Thousands  $1,000                                                $1,372           $785

                       $0     $0      $0      $0      $0      $49     $0      $0
                             13-1    14-1    15-1    16-1     17-1    18-1    19-2    20-2    21-2    22-2
                             4       5       6       7        8       9       0       1       2       3

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