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Crime Control and Prevention District Fund FY 2021/2022 Revised Budget
Revenues / Resources
The revised revenues for FY 2021/2022 are $6,967,571. This is $729,294 or 11.7% above the FY
2021/2022 Adopted Budget. Below are the revenue highlights.
$524,612 increase in Sales tax due a higher than average year to date collection trend.
$26,127 increase to the Gas Franchise received from Atmos.
$180,966 increase comprised of two changes; the annual encumbrance roll of $52,966 and
a budget amendment in the amount of $128,000 for the replacement of computer servers in
Public Safety.
The revised expenditures for FY 2021/2022 are $6,967,571. This is $729,294 or 11.7% above the
FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget. Below are the expenditure highlights.
$221,656 increase in Community Resources made up of:
o $146,000 for Axon 12-month contract extension on current equipment / installation
o $13,064 funding for additional firearms and ammunition / supplies
o $4,014 for the purchase of equipment in Public Safety
$428,000 increase in Capital Project Transfers made up of the following:
o $150,000 capital project IT2215 Forensic Digital Storage included in the CIP budget.
o $150,000 for capital project IT2214 Interview Room Video Storage included in the
CIP budget.
o $128,000 for capital project IT2201 Replacement of Servers in the CIP budget.
The revised budget for FY 2021/2022 reflects an ending balance of $0.