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P. 383


          Overview of Debt Service Funds

          Property tax rates and levy are required to be computed and collected, which will provide sufficient
          funds to pay principal and interest as it comes due.  Debt issuance finances the City’s purchase of
          land, buildings, land improvements, and construction and reconstruction of streets and drainage
          facilities.  Current projects are listed in the Capital Improvement Section of this budget document.
          Utility Debt Service is the principal and interest payments for the City’s Utility System.  The
          revenue source for these payments is from current revenues of the Utility Fund and interest
          earnings from bond proceeds.  The Park & Recreation Facilities Development Debt Service Fund
          makes principal and interest payments for debt issued to upgrade the park and recreational
          facilities of the City. These funds are secured by a one-half percent sales tax approved by voters
          in 1992. Aquatic Park Debt Service Fund makes principal and interest payments for debt issued
          for attractions at the aquatic park. Other Debt Service Funds included in this section are Golf
          Course Fund Debt Service, Tax Increment Finance Districts #1 and #2 Debt Service, Drainage
          Utility Fund Debt Service, Building Services Fund Debt Service, Equipment Services Debt
          Service. A summary schedule for citywide debt service is included in the following pages.

          General Debt Service

          General Debt Service is used for the accumulation of resources for payment of general long-term
          debt principal and interest.  Resources include an applicable portion of the ad valorem tax levy
          and related interest income useable form debt service.  Funding of the Debt Service Fund is made
          on a conservative basis of estimating the collectable portion of the tax levy.  From this collectable
          portion, an allocation of available funds is made between General Fund operating revenue and the
          debt Service Fund.  Requirements for debt service are based on the amount of outstanding
          general obligation debt and related debt service costs.  The debt service requirements are
          predictable; because once a bond sale is closed the requirements can only be altered by a bond
          sale for new money or a refunding of old issues.  Bonds are primarily sold to fund Capital
          Improvement Program projects and to refund existing debt.

          Utility – The Utility Fund makes payments for the principal and interest of scheduled debt service
          associated with Utility System improvements and refunding bonds. Debt service payments are
          made semi-annually. The debt service is paid from current revenues of the Utility System.

          Park Fund Debt Service – The Park and Recreation Facilities Development Debt Service Fund is
          used to make principal and interest payments on debt issued for the Park and Recreation Facilities
          Development Fund. These debt issues are solely dedicated for park and recreational purposes
          including the construction of a tennis center, family Aquatic Park, design and construction of hike
          and bike trails, and general improvements to neighborhood parks.

          Golf – The Golf Course Fund makes payments for the principal and interest of scheduled debt
          service associated with Golf Course improvements and refunding bonds. The source of revenue
          for Golf Course debt service is current revenues of the Golf Course.

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