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          Who we are

            The Police Department’s mission is to work in partnership with our citizens to maintain a safe, peaceful community
            by providing excellence in all police services. We strive to improve and evolve as a department, to be innovative and
            proactive in addressing crime, and to strengthen our connection to the community we serve. We are dedicated to
            the highest standards of ethics and integrity while preserving and protecting life and property.

          What do we do

            1 Provide patrol and traffic services         6 Maintain positive working relationships w/ the media
                                                            by remaining accessible & transparent
            2 Provide emergency communications for the 4 partner   7 Maintain specialized units for critical police responses
            3 Operate city jail for the 4 partner agencies  8 Maintain compliance with Texas Law Enforcement
                                                            Best Practices
            4 Engage community in crime awareness         9 Aggressively identify grant funding opportunities to
               and prevention                               offset City budget

            5 Investigate reports of crime

          Council Priorities
            x Quality Community Development  & Revitalization  x Sense of Community
            x Efficient & Effective Transportation System   Targeted Economic Development
            x Safety and Security                         x Local & Regional Leadership                  Goals & Measures
            x Financial Stability                         x Efficient & Effective Delivery of City Services
            x Positive City Image

          FY 2021‐22 Top Accomplishments

             2021's Winter Storm Uri challenged employees in ways no one thought imaginable. Because of the cooperation
               across multiple departments, city services continued at a successful rate. Though many of the Department’s
              members were dealing with their own set of challenges at home, they still arrived to work ready to take on the
              not‐so‐typical daily job functions. The EOC activation lasted a week and we were reminded that our department
               is driven by the desire to help others. With the incredible assistance and teamwork across departments within
              the city, the daunting call load seemed manageable and our citizens continued to be served during this historic

             Operation Zero, a traffic safety initiative, ran from July to December of 2021.  The Traffic Unit focused their
               enforcement efforts on hazardous driving behavior on major roadways.  A total of 312 DWI arrests were made
              during 2021, an 8.5% increase from 2020.
             The NRH Telecommunications Center successfully implemented the ACPO Emergency Medical Dispatch Program.
               This standards‐based system provides telecommunicators with the training and protocols necessary to quickly
               triage medical calls and dispatch the appropriate response while simultaneously providing instructions to aid in
              patient care prior to the arrival of help. This program was customized for the shared services environment and
               required nearly 900 hours of training to achieve certification.
              Though challenged by sporadic staffing shortages due to lingering COVID outbreaks and employee movement within the
              Department, the Criminal Investigations Division exemplified strong work ethic, teamwork, and efficiency in all areas.
              Through arrest or exception, the Division achieved a 34.4% clearance rate of property crimes and a 65.8% clearance rate of
              violent crimes, which exceed national clearance rates of 17.2% for property crimes and 45.5% for violent crimes. These
              clearances ‐ along with clearance of narcotics crime, cyber crimes, and juvenile crimes ‐ produced a detective combined
              clearance rate of 48.64%, an increase of 11% from 2019 and 13% from 2020.

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