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Neighborhood Services
Top Goals and Objectives
Goal 1
Continue to provide the Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) to assist low income elderly, single parent, persons
with disabilities and veterans with minor exterior home repair in order to help residents continue living safely and
comfortably in their own homes and also helps to make their neighborhoods a better place to live.
Objective Hold the Annual Fix It Blitz in the fall.
Objective Grow volunteer base in order to complete projects in a timely manner.
Objective Seek grant funding to help offset the cost of the projects.
Goal 2
Grow the reach of Environmental Services and the Keep NRH Beautiful Commission in promoting beautification
and the environment.
Objective Host monthly environmental education seminars both in‐person and virtual.
Objective Start two new programs ‐ Environmental Education Scholarship & PTA Beautification Grant for
Objective Be awarded the Governor's Community Achievement Award for 2022.
Goal 3
Achieve a live release rate of 90% at the Animal Adoption and Rescue Center.
Objective Not euthanize any health/adoptable animals as defined by the Asilomar Accords euthanasia
Objective Provide medical services to include spay/neuter, rabies vaccination, microchip implantation, and
Objective Vaccinate and medicate on intake 90% of all animals entering the facility within 24 hours of Goals & Measures
Goal 4
Attain at least a 95% voluntary compliance rate from residents with code compliance issues.
Objective Educate residents in order gain voluntary compliance
Objective Reduce the number of repeat offenders
Goal 5
Protect public health through routine inspections, education, monitoring, and enforcement of all food
establishments, child care facilities, public/semi‐public pools and waste haulers; providing classes and outreach;
vector control and monitoring for the presence of mosquito‐borne illness.
Objective Complete 100% of required inspections, and address complaints within 24 hours.
Objective Provide training to NRH businesses and community outreach.
Objective Monitor for the presence of West Nile Virus.