Page 250 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
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Budget Summary
The Hotel/Motel Tax Fund is used to account for Hotel/Motel Tax revenues. Section 351.101 of the Texas
Tax Code, Use of Tax Revenue, states that revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax may be used
to promote tourism and the convention/hotel industry.
The Hotel/Motel Tax is used to fund the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) as well as various
organizations who apply for funding assistance for local events. The mission of the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
is to promote programs related to tourism, advertising, promotions, and programs advancing the arts and
historical preservation within the City of Mansfield. The Hotel/Motel Tax Fund budget increased nearly
32% over FY 2021-2022. Event attendance and hotel stays in FY 2022-2023 are anticipated to continue
Hotel/Motel Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Tax Fund 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
CVB $ 361,683 $ 349,512 $ 411,613 $ 425,700 3.42%
Allocations 171,954 79,232 139,700 530,300 279.60%
Reserve - - $ 173,687 $ - -100.00%
Total $ 533,637 $ 428,744 $ 725,000 $ 956,000 31.86%
Below is a list of organizations/events that have been allocated Hotel/Motel Tax funds.
Actual Actual Budget Budget
Hotel/Motel Tax 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Farr Best Theatre $776 $1,792
Historical Society/Museum $250,000
Pickled Mansfield Society $34,502 $7,891 $68,100 $73,200
Mansfield Invitational-Boys & Girls Basketball $30,000 $13,000 $30,000* included in CVB budget
Mansfield Invitational-Volleyball Tournament $10,000 $12,000* included in CVB budget
The LOT Downtown $10,721 $32,000 $150,000
Commission for the Arts $7,194 $2,213 $47,100 $47,100
Historic Landmark Commission $4,395
Yaggi Engineering $6,500
Mansfield Veteran's Memorial and Tribute $14,500
Tommy King Foundation $28,465
Man House Museum $30,071
Wayfinding Program $15,830 $15,835
Championship Basketball, Inc. $10,000 $10,000
Total $ 171,954 $ 79,232 $ 139,700 $ 530,300
Contact: Theresa Cohagen, 817-728-3384