Page 73 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 73

               The mission of our fire department is the protection of life and property of the citizens of
               Kennedale through public education, fire prevention code enforcement, and the response of
               highly trained professional emergency response personnel.
                                    HI G HL I G H T S   A N D  G O A L S  A CCO M P L I S HE D
                     Fully staffed emergency response
                     New Fire Engine
                     New Ambulance
                     Received a grant to fund our next replacement ambulance
                     CPR/AED Training for city employees
                     Continued education. Four of our personnel completed Driver Pumper Operator
                       training. Training hours delivered Fire 4,320 hours and EMS 936 hours
                     Last year we responded to 1574 calls for service, 744 were EMS 1007
                     Hydrant Flows and Inspections – 518
                     Building Inspections -     158

                                                 S HO RT - T E RM  G O A L S
                     Recruitment and Retention
                     Continue the implement a capitol replacement plan.
                     Facility replacement. (includes station, administration and training)
                     Update all Standard Operating Policies and Procedures
                     Public education, begin delivery of CPR training to the public.
                     Evaluate staffing needs for the future
                     Develop a fire prevention program that ensures all businesses are compliant with
                       current codes and also provides enforcement for citizen's safety
                     Deliver EMS safety tips to the community

                                                  L ON G - T E RM  G O A L S
                     Recruitment and Retention
                     Increase ambulance revenue.
                     Continuously evaluate data to determine future response needs.
                     Continuation of the capital replacement plan.
                     Have a Fire Marshal Division to address all safety concerns throughout the city. Provide
                       strong support to operations personnel with pre-fire plans.
                     Facility replacement, including station, administration and training

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