Page 70 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 70

  Six mental health trained peace officers on staff
                                                   S h o rt - T e rm G o a l s
                     Continue sending command and supervisory staff to the Developing Leaders for Texas
                       Law Enforcement leadership training, ILEA, LEMIT-LCC, and FBI LEEDA
                     Continue to identify and apply for grants for equipment and positions that enhance the
                       department's ability to deliver varied and high-quality services
                     Organize and prepare for upcoming re-recognition process to maintain Recognized
                       status through the TPCA Foundation
                     Create a five-year strategic plan for department to meet internal and external growth
                     Continue to implement accountability systems throughout the organization
                     Continue to implement Community and Geographic Policing initiatives
                     Implement formal programs and community outreach partnerships through:
                              o  Faith and Blue - Building Bridges to More Inclusive Communities
                              o  Public Safety Cadets (
                              o  Shattered Dreams Program
                              o  Kennedale Citizens Police Academy
                              o  National Night Out
                              o  Public Safety Open House in cooperation with the fire department
                              o  Coffee with a Cop
                     Enhance patrol tactics training to meet the evolving needs of our community
                     Implement capital replacement plans for additional patrol vehicles
                     Hire an additional 3 officers to keep pace with the residential and economic
                       development within our community
                                                   L on g - T e r m G o als
                     Continue to develop a strategic plan for future personnel and equipment needs
                     Continue to seek grants for building renovations and equipment
                     Improve or replace the current police facility with a more efficient building and floor

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