Page 70 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 70
Six mental health trained peace officers on staff
S h o rt - T e rm G o a l s
Continue sending command and supervisory staff to the Developing Leaders for Texas
Law Enforcement leadership training, ILEA, LEMIT-LCC, and FBI LEEDA
Continue to identify and apply for grants for equipment and positions that enhance the
department's ability to deliver varied and high-quality services
Organize and prepare for upcoming re-recognition process to maintain Recognized
status through the TPCA Foundation
Create a five-year strategic plan for department to meet internal and external growth
Continue to implement accountability systems throughout the organization
Continue to implement Community and Geographic Policing initiatives
Implement formal programs and community outreach partnerships through:
o Faith and Blue - Building Bridges to More Inclusive Communities
o Public Safety Cadets (
o Shattered Dreams Program
o Kennedale Citizens Police Academy
o National Night Out
o Public Safety Open House in cooperation with the fire department
o Coffee with a Cop
Enhance patrol tactics training to meet the evolving needs of our community
Implement capital replacement plans for additional patrol vehicles
Hire an additional 3 officers to keep pace with the residential and economic
development within our community
L on g - T e r m G o als
Continue to develop a strategic plan for future personnel and equipment needs
Continue to seek grants for building renovations and equipment
Improve or replace the current police facility with a more efficient building and floor