Page 77 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 77


               The Debt Service Fund pays for Debt that is secured by ad valorem (property taxes).  Property
               taxes account for 93% of the Debt Service Fund revenues, with the remainder coming from
               Fund 4 Projects Fund (6%) and investment income.

               As of the preparation of this budget, the Debt Service Fund had amassed approximately $650k
               in unassigned fund balance, primarily due to property tax revenues being more than what was
               needed to pay debt service requirements in prior years.  This budget decreases the interest and
               sinking fund portion of the tax rate by about 6 cents per 100 valuation to budget for less than
               what is needed to pay debt service requirements with the anticipation that $200k of fund
               balance reserves will be used for the additional needed payments.

               It is anticipated that an additional $200k of fund balance will be used in the next two years to
               fund debt service, at which time several bonds will fully mature and debt service payments will
               be less with the hope that the lower interest and sinking rate will be adequate to meet the debt
               service requirements in those subsequent years.

                                                     E X P E N D IT UR E S
               All expenditures in the Debt Service Fund are associated with principal and interest payments
               and paying agent fees.  The bond rating for the City of Kennedale from Standard & Poor’s /
               Moody’s is A+/A1, which is an excellent rating and will allow Kennedale to secure additional
               debt if the need arises.

                                           D E B T  S E RV I CE  RE Q U I R E M E N T S
               The City has bond expenditures in three funds – 02 Debt Service, 10 Streets, and 15 EDC.  The
               below chart depicts all Bond payments for all 3 funds.  On the next page, the $1,669,317 has
               been programed into the total expenditure budget for Fund 02 Debt Service Fund.  The
               $293,390 for Fund 10 and $314,346 for EDC Fund 15, are shown later in the book with the
               expenditures for those funds.

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