Page 72 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 72
Mission Statement
IT Services is dedicated to providing secure, consistent, and reliable technological resources for
the staff and community of Haltom City.
Accomplishments of FY2022
◊ Started the internet fiber backbone down 377 and Haltom Road that brings high speed
internet to areas of the city that have had to depend on coax 200 MB as the best they can
get for residential and business.
◊ Purchased PD 2 Flock Cameras for their traffic and public safety project. This is part of a
multi-year project. Also added cameras in parks and buildings that need to have cameras.
◊ Completed computer refresh at Library, All 3 fires stations, and the Rec Center. This includes
the public PCs at the library as well.
◊ Added new wireless data circuits from PD to City Hall and from FD1 to City Hall. Previously
we had none. Also replaced Wireless from Library to old FD3 that run in a frequency that is
not common to other wireless in the area.
◊ Internal fiber network for all city facilities by the end of 2022 that will allow better connections
and more security on the internal city network.
◊ Replaced 10-year-old 1 GIG fiber between Rec, City Hall, PD, Senior Center and FD1 with
new 10 GIG fiber that has room for the city to grow.
◊ Completed first department move (finance) from STW to Munis. This was in response to
STW being purchased and will soon not be supported by the new OpenGov company.
◊ Responded and worked 2019 IT tickets as of 11-7-22 from city employees.
◊ Updated Network Monitoring that allows more devices we can see when they go off ling for
a quicker response and resolution to outages.
Objectives for FY2023
◊ Add additional Flock cameras throughout the city for PD. Continue to replace older security
cameras and add new security cameras in the attempt to help with public safety.
◊ Finish the fiber project to get fiber down 377 and Haltom Road to provide a backbone for
ISPs to provide high speed internet along those corridors.
◊ Refresh PCs at Public Works, Fleet, Animal Control, and the Parks Office. This will include
an evaluation and replacement of some of the older and smaller monitors during this refresh.
This is done to ensure the staff have the tools they need to provide for the citizens of Haltom
◊ Replace wireless data connections from FD1 to Wall Ave Tower, and Wall Ave Tower to FD2
with newer more reliable wireless that will be used as a backup circuit.
◊ Upgrade Disaster Recovery site at Library with addition storage and Servers for new City
Hall and new Law Enforcement Center.