Page 189 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
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CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023               Supplemental Information


           The  purpose  is  to  improve  fire  safety  by  PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
           providing information and giving direction to the
           community  through  fire  safety  programs  and  The  purpose  is to  consider plats,  hold public
           education.  The board consists of eight citizens  meetings  on zoning  and  rezoning,  and
           of the city and meets the third Tuesday of each  make recommendations  to Council.  The P
           month at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Fire Station. & Z acts as an advisory board and has such
                                                                duties  and  powers  as  specified  by  the  laws
           HOUSING AUTHORITY                                    of the State of  Texas, the Charter, and  the
                                                                Ordinances of the City.  The Commission
           The     Housing     Authority    is    responsible   consists of 7 regular members and two alternate
           for  the administration  of  Federal Public  members  and meets the second  and  fourth
           Housing  in the City of Haltom City and  Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall.
           each member is appointed by the Mayor.
           The board meets on an as needed  basis.              SIGN BOARD OF APPEALS

           LIBRARY BOARD                                        The purpose of the Sign Board of Appeals  is
                                                                to grant variances from size, spacing, height,
           The purpose  of the Library  Board  is  set-back, location  and other requirements
           to confer with the city council  and  the  of  the  ordinance,  both  as  to  off-premises
           administrative     staff   of    the    city   and  and on-premises  signs. Members of the
                                                                Zoning Board of  Adjustments  serve on this
           Assist  in the development of  public library  board and it meets on  an as-needed  basis.
           services in the city.  The board consists of eight
           citizens of the city and is an advisory board.  It  ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
           reviews and comments on the annual operating
           budget and capital improvement requests. The  The Zoning Board of Adjustment hears and decides
           board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month  cases  where  it is alleged  there is an  error  in any
           at  the  Library  Board Meeting Room at  6  p.m.     requirement,  decision,  or determination  made by
                                                                the Zoning Ordinance or the Building Official in the
           PARK AND RECREATIONAL BOARD                          enforcement of the ordinances and has the power to
                                                                establish public notice and hearing to alter previous
           The board makes studies and project plans for  action in such matters. The ZBA consists of 8 regular
           the improvement and acquisition of public park  members and 1 alternate member.   The alternate
           and open spaces with a view to its development  serves in  the absence  of a regular  member  when
           and extension, recommends to council recreation  requested by the Chairman.  The board meets the
           programs for all segments of the population, and  second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30
           acts with and assists other municipal boards in  p.m. in City Hall.  This board also serves as the
           formulating proper plans for municipal park and  Hearings  Board and the Sign Board of  Appeals.
           open  space  development.  The board  consists
           of eight citizens and meets the first Tuesday of
           each month at 6 p.m. at the Recreation Center.
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