Page 188 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
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CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023 Supplemental Information
Approximately 86 volunteers serve on 14 boards The Civil Service Commission consists of three
and commissions. These committees were citizens who meet specific criteria in their years
created either by City Code, City Ordinance, or of residency, age, and prior elective office
Resolution. The responsibilities, powers, terms of service. The members are directed to administer
office, membership size, qualifications and meeting the civil service ordinance and when sitting as a
schedules vary for each board and commission. board of appeals for a suspended or aggrieved
employee, they are to conduct such hearing
The City Council seeks nominations of fairly and impartially and are to render a fair
citizens interested in serving as vacancies and just decision, considering only the evidence
arise. Information regarding the duties presented before them in such hearing. Members
and responsibilities of the boards and are considered to be officers of the City of Haltom
commissions and how to apply for a City, are appointed by the Mayor for three-year
position on a board or commission can be terms, and the Commission meets as needed.
obtained through the City Secretary’s Office.
The purpose is to assist the city in complying with The major purpose of the Crime Control and
the requirements of V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Prevention District Board is to combat, reduce,
Code Ch. 823, which regulates the operation of and prevent crime within Haltom City. The CCPD
local government animal shelters. The Animal administers the expenditures of the ¼ cent crime
Advisory Committee consists of five members tax that was approved by the voters in 1995.
nominated and appointed by the city council at The board is also responsible for assembling
large. One member is a licensed veterinarian, a budget for each fiscal year. Resolution No.
one member a municipal official, one member R-2006-002-01 removed the membership of
represents an animal welfare organization, the City Council as the Board of Directors and
one member has duties that include the daily allows citizens of Haltom City to be appointed
operation of an animal shelter, and the fifth by the City Council. Members are considered
member is a citizen of the city. The committee to be officers of the City of Haltom City.
holds meetings at least three times a year.
REVITALIZATION BOARD The Committee serves in an advisory capacity
to assist the City Council in determining what
The purpose of this board is to confer with council specific projects serve in the best interest of the
and staff and to assist in the development and community for the spending of bond election
execution of beautification, cleanliness, and funds. The committee is not a standing board or
revitalization programs within the city and to commission and is active when activated by the
encourage participation in an ongoing effort. The Council for a potential bond program. The board
responsibility of the board is to communicate with consists of eight members and is appointed by the
the residents of the city various means in which Council members for an individual bond program.
to improve the city’s image through methods and
projects presented and developed by the board.
There are 8 members and the board meets on the
third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall.