Page 187 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 187

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023               Supplemental Information

          Haltom City continued to grow through the 1960’s and  In  2006  the  City  engaged  a  firm  to  assist  in  the
          the City’s population reached 28,000 by 1970.   Growth  creation of a redevelopment plan for the Belknap
          during the 1970’s was more modest as developments  Street Business Corridor.  This community focused
          to the east around  the Dallas-Fort  Worth airport  effort will include participation by businesses along
          drew residential and commercial development.   Belknap as  well as  nearby  residents in order to
                                                               develop  a vision  for a revitalized  business  sector.
          Haltom City was rediscovered as a place to live in  The master plan was completed  during  2007 and
          the 1980’s.  Despite the recession of the early 1980’s  continued through review by Boards, Commissions
          and the real estate bust of the late 1980’s Haltom City  and the City Council during 2008.  The plan is now
          grew from 29,000 in 1980 to nearly 33,000 in 1990.   a component  of  the City’s  2009 Comprehensive
          The north end of town, north of Loop 820 became  Land Use Plan (CLUP). In FY2013 the realignment
          a focal point of real development in the 1990’s and  of the intersection of Belknap and Denton Highway
          the population in the City climbed to 39,000 in 2000.   will  enhance  the  traffic  patterns  in  the  corridor
                                                               and create new redevelopment  opportunities.
          Today the City is home to an estimated 43,168
          residents and some 3,468 businesses.  Estimates by  The long-awaited expansion of Loop 820 presents
          demographic experts are that the City is 88%   developed  for Haltom City a unique opportunity  for new
          and should achieve build-out  prior to 2030.   The  development in the last large open space in the City

          population at build out is estimated to reach  44,000.   has completed in FY2017.  Improved access from
                                                               the widening project will make the property on both
          The  composition of  the  population  has changed  the north and side sides of the highway attractive for
          markedly over the  years.    For  much of  its  early  development.  Business campuses are envisioned
          history Haltom City was primarily white.  Since the  for the area along with a possible town center.  New
          more recent growth spurt of the past 25 years the  exciting additions to the Loop 820 corridor include
          demographics  have changed.   The 2010 Census  High Pointe Development, Grand on Beach, Haltom
          indicates Hispanics make up 39% of the population  City Business  Park and two Marriott Flag Hotels.
          and  Asians another 8%.    African-Americans
          comprised  4% of the population  and whites 47%.

          City  is the Sara Lee (Hillshire Brands) plant responsible
          for the State Fair Corndogs and Medtronics, a major
          medical supplier.  Today, Haltom City is the location
          of a rapidly growing Asian community and a vibrant
          Asian  commercial  district, which  is redeveloping
          Belknap  Street on the south side  of Haltom  City.

          Haltom City, by virtue of its strategic location  in
          Tarrant County, is attractive for new development
          and redevelopment.   The City created the Haltom
          City Economic Development Corporation  in 1995
          in order to provide  for cultural,  recreational  and
          economic opportunities.  The City was also a founding
          member of the Northeast Tarrant County Chamber of
          Commerce in 1968.  The Chamber, located in Haltom
          City, works for business development in Haltom City,
          North Richland  Hills,  Richland  Hills  and  Watauga.
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