Page 162 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
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CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023               Supplemental Information



            The Charter of Haltom City specifies that an Operating Budget be adopted prior to the first day of
            the fiscal year beginning October 1st.  The City’s budget preparation process is a seven-month
            cycle, which begins in mid-February and ends in mid-September.  The City Council, management,
            departments, and the public have opportunities to participate in the preparation of the budget
            at various stages in the process.  Throughout the process, the City Manager presents reports
            delineating particular areas of concern to the Council.  The Council provides the direction and
            guidance necessary to implement the goals and objectives of the City.

            Preparation of the Operating Budget

            In Early Spring, the Finance Department distributes a budget preparation manual for the upcoming
            fiscal year.  Departments submit budget proposals.  During the months of May, June, and July,
            the City Manager develops the recommended  budget based on the policy direction  received
            from Council.  The City’s Charter requires that the proposed budget be submitted to the Council
            at least forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.  This submission normally
            occurs during mid-July followed by a series of public budget work sessions between July and
            August.  The first and second readings of the budget ordinance occur at the council meetings in
            August and September.  If the city council fails to adopt a budget in final form before the first day
            of the fiscal year, the city charter requires that the budget proposed by the City Manager shall be
            deemed to have been adopted.

            In preparation of the proposed  budget, each department develops  measures, objectives  and
            details accomplishments for use in the budget.  By identifying the goals of the department and
            compiling past and current workload statistics, the department is able to determine early in the
            budget process which areas will require future resource adjustments.  Departments prepare base
            budget requests to continue the current level of service.  Any new projects that the department
            wants considered  for funding  are submitted as prioritized  budgetary  items.   The department
            must also submit a prioritized list of budget reduction options.  The consequences of not funding
            these items must also be provided.  A departmental budget request is comprised of a line-item
            expenditure request that is supplemented with detailed justification.  All requests for funding must
            be related to specific project needs and must be measurable in terms of effectiveness and/or
            efficiency indicators.
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