Page 147 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 147

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                   Proprietery Funds

                   Objectives for FY2023

              ◊  Continue to maintain and improve current drainage system

              ◊  Implement new procedures and programs based on the new state storm water requirements
              ◊  Assist in identifying future drainage projects

              ◊  Reshaping and grading of channels

              ◊  Cleaning debris from road and bridge crossings

              ◊  Cleaning inlets and catch basins

              ◊  Weed controls through mowing and herbicide applications

              ◊  Continue to improve erosion control with various procedures

              ◊  Responding to customer requests pertaining to the drainage system

              ◊  Larvicide ditches

              ◊  Continue update drainage system maps

              ◊  Continue training and education on stormwater management

                                                                              Actual   Actual   Actual    Target
                                           PERFORMANCE MEASURES
                                                                             FY2020    FY2021   FY2022   FY2023
                                   Mowing / Trimming Grass (Acres)                500       500     500        550
                                   Erosion repairs with rip rap rock (Tons)       500       400     400        400
                                   Acres of drainage channels maintained          300       300     300        300
                                   Number of inlets inspected/maintained          800       900     900       1,000
            Goal 6:  Address Critical Facility
              & Infrastructure Needs  Number of bridge site visits for maintenance  30      30       30         30
                                   Herbicide spraying (Gallons)                  1,200    1,200    1,400      1,200
                                   Graffiti cover-up (Gallons)                     80       80      100        100
                                   Bridge inspections and debris removal (Each)    40       40       40         40
                                   Special Projects                                10       12       12         12

                                                                  Actual     Adopted      Projected     Adopted
           STAFFING                                 Class Range  FY 2021     FY 2022       FY 2022      FY 2023
           Street Maintenance Supervisor            2901   64      0.5         0.5           0.5          0.5
           Utilities Construction Supervisor        2903   64      0.5         0.5           0.5          0.5
           Public Works Crewleader                  2905   49      1            1             1            1
           Senior Equipment Operator                2906   44      2            1             1            1
           Equipment Operator                       2910   41      0            1             1            1
           Public Works Maintenance Worker          2911   37      3            3             3            3
           Total                                                   7            7             7            7
   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152