Page 146 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 146
The Drainage Fund is to track revenues and expenses related to watershed and storm drainage
improvements throughout the City. The drainage system includes curb and gutter, storm drains
and channels. In November 2004 the City Council created the fund to address long-standing
flooding and drainage issues. The source of funds is a monthly fee charged to customers based
upon a rate factor multiplied by the run-off coefficient factor developed for each parcel of property
in the City. Each residential property is currently charged $6.81 per month. Each commercial
property is charged approximately $56.63 per month for each acre, with adjustments made for
variances in the run-off coefficient.
As the City adds additional commercial and residential properties with growth, revenues will
increase slightly, but it will not be enough to cover all capital projects needed. It is further unlikely
that an adjustment in the rate structure will be sufficient to finance future capital projects. This
represents a challenge to the City because the Drainage Master Plan has identified slightly more
than $100 million of projects that need to be addressed.
The FY2023 ending cash and investment balance at year end is estimated at $559,756. Which is
approximately 20% of operating expenses. This fund balance meet minimum of 20%. Transfers
are made to the Drainage Capital Projects fund for capital improvements, but several projects are
pushed to future years due to lack of funding.
Mission Statement
To provide service in a professional manner that complies with Federal and State guidelines;
implement and maintain an effective storm water management program, flood control,
development review, water quality programs, and to be a steward of our natural resources
Accomplishments of FY2022
◊ Completed Fortline Storm Drainpipe project
◊ Corrected deficiencies noted in the Texas Department of Transportation’s bridge inspection
◊ Completed Handrail project at Whitecreek low water crossing
◊ Completed Carson’s Street railroad drainage project
◊ Completed storm drainpipe project at Ellison Avenue
◊ Completed drainage project on McCullar street