Page 134 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 134

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Capital Project Funds


          The Capital Project fund is used to track monies received from the issuance of bonds or transfers
          from other funds for the construction of parks, buildings and infrastructure and the purchase of
          various machinery and equipment.

                                              CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND
                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY
                                                              Actual      Adopted       Projected     Adopted
            FUND  32                                         FY2021        FY2022        FY2022       FY2023

            Fund Balance, Beginning                                 8,236,087           5,085,111           4,140,173         25,918,297

               Bond Proceeds                                                   -         29,000,000         27,000,000                      -
               Interest Income                                           59,933                33,900                34,052                35,000
               Miscellaneous                                                                -                      -                      -
               Transfer from General Fund                              399,996              600,000              600,000              600,000
                  Total Revenues                                       459,929         29,633,900         27,634,052              635,000

            Funds Available                                         8,696,016         34,719,011         31,774,225         26,553,297

               Fire Station                                         3,726,430           1,968,126           1,960,928                      -
               Police Law Enforcement Center                             88,990         10,000,000           3,000,000         15,000,000
               New City Hall                                                   -                      -                      -           5,000,000
               Parks                                                   247,356           1,502,000              895,000              477,000
               Other Expenditures                                      493,067                      -                      -                      -
                  Total Expenditures                                4,555,843         13,470,126           5,855,928         20,477,000
            Fund Balance, Ending                                    4,140,173         21,248,885         25,918,297           6,076,297

                                          Capital Improvement Fund Expenditures
                    Millions  $12
                                  Actual 2021         Adopted 2022        Projected 2022      Proposed 2023
   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139