Page 72 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 72

OPERATING                FY-2017     FY-2018      FY-2019    FY-2020    FY-2021    FY-2022
                TRANSFERS OUT

                Capital Maintenance     1,646,000   1,322,500    1,510,000  1,779,000       -       1,640,000
                Street Maintenance      1,633,000   1,322,500    1,510,000  1,500,000       -           -
                CIP / Quality of Life   3,000,000   3,000,000    3,000,000                 -                -                -
                Equipment Acquisition     982,000         -        3,200,000          830,004                -                -
                CCPD Fund                 200,000   2,235,000    3,056,630  3,406,824     5,513,302      4,291,740

                Total Transfers Out    $7,461,000   $8,454,200  $12,276,630  $7,515,828  $5,513,302  $5,931,740
                Increase / (Decrease)  ($1,423,535)  $993,200   $3,822,430  ($4,760,802) ($2,002,526)  $418,438
                % Change                    -16%         13%         45%        -39%       -27%         8%

               Debt Service is budgeted at $13.8 million, and represents a decrease of $910,351 (6%) from the
               previous year.  Actual expenditures in FY22 totaled $14 million and represented a decrease of $1.9
               million (12%) from the previous year.  Debt service costs represent 15% of General Government

                 DEBT SERVICE             FY-2017     FY-2018    FY-2019     FY-2020   FY-2021    FY-2022
                 Principal & Interest Payments

                 General Obligation       $11,674,025  $10,335,020  $9,722,770 $11,257,383 $10,665,083  $8,034,132
                 Certificates of Obligation  $4,061,585  $4,524,603  $4,121,339  $2,335,488  $3,830,481  $4,030,062
                 Tax Notes Payable          $677,275   $760,718   $2,893,797  $2,113,019  $1,498,306  $2,016,469
                 Total                    $16,412,885  $15,620,341  $16,737,906 $15,705,890 $15,993,870 $14,080,663
                 Increase / (Decrease)    ($1,066,617)  ($792,544)  $1,117,565  ($1,032,016)  $287,980  ($1,913,207)
                 % Change                      -6.1%      -4.8%       7.2%       -6.2%      1.8%      -12.0%

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77