Page 30 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
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                                           FY 2022-23 APPROVED OPERATING BUDGET
                                                   SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS
                                                  - Budget At-A-Glance -

                                                               2019-20       2020-21      2021-22       2022-23
            REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES:                 Actual       Actual       Budget      Approved

            Taxes                                           89,916,755    97,964,775  102,535,436   114,745,044
            Licenses, Fees & Permits                         9,746,130    10,060,694    7,841,363     7,634,746
            Fines and Forfeitures                            1,161,900     2,520,841    1,285,550     1,125,300
            Charges for Services                            44,016,479    43,888,683   48,466,760    54,778,781
            Federal /State /Local Funds & Grants               337,339     3,990,496      344,094      344,094
            Interest Income                                    851,624       78,166       700,000      464,000
            Transfers In                                    27,657,609    24,469,307   11,929,232    13,217,849
            Miscellaneous                                    5,842,858    13,644,323    1,986,186     2,500,586
            TOTAL                                          179,530,694   196,617,284  175,088,621   194,810,400

                                                               2019-20       2020-21      2021-22       2022-23
            EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES:               Actual       Actual       Budget      Approved

            Personnel                                       60,569,766    59,699,258   61,308,260    66,628,123
            Supplies                                         6,671,992     5,503,037    6,309,779     7,119,820
            Maintenance                                      3,029,436     3,940,194    3,066,358     3,939,106
            Services                                        45,815,883    42,980,282   43,863,778    53,423,267
            Insurance                                       15,876,401    14,548,513   16,098,515    17,668,974
            Debt Service                                    17,003,401    15,211,029   15,622,369    14,505,969
            Transfers Out                                   17,013,713    19,256,029   11,974,233    13,267,849
            Permanent Capital / Street Maint.                3,728,616     4,456,406    3,250,000     5,612,000
            Interlocal / Inter-Agency                       10,838,756     9,305,545   10,454,011    12,060,238
            Capital Outlay                                   1,504,486     1,873,887      890,000      867,165
            TOTAL                                          181,502,066   176,774,181  172,837,303   195,092,511

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