Page 26 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 26
The City utilizes several planning processes that affect the development of the operating budget.
Effective planning processes assist the City in assessing the financial implications of current and
proposed policies, programs, and assumptions. An effective plan illustrates the likely outcomes of
particular courses of actions.
Name of Plan Type Of Description Of Budget
Planning Process Planning Process Impact
Employee Annual review of Open Compare jobs and Maintain 50th
Compensation Range and Grade/Step compensation with 18 cities percentile in
pay scales in the DFW area market position
Facilities Capital Five-year plan by The prioritization of Stability of
Maintenance facility and departmental requests for General fund
maintenance activity or projects along with known appropriations
project maintenance requirements
Parks Capital Five-year plan by Identifies, prioritizes and Stability of
Maintenance facility, maintenance schedules improvements to General fund
activity or project parks, medians and grounds appropriations
Street Maintenance Five-year plan to Inspection, prioritization Stability of
maintain and improve and scheduling of surface General fund
roadways, sidewalks, repair and preventive appropriations
curbs and gutters maintenance of streets
Vehicle / Equipment Five-year plan of Development of Timing and
Replacement scheduled vehicle and replacement intervals based sizing of debt
heavy equipment on equipment age, usage, issues and
replacement and lifetime repair costs payments
Computer Three-year plan for the Development of Timing and
Replacement replacement of replacement intervals based sizing of debt
computers and other on equipment age, usage, issues and
technology items and lifetime repair costs payments
Capital Improvements Five-year plan of major City Council identification Predictable
Plan infrastructure of projects; prioritizing; funding levels,
development and costing; timing; financing debt service
improvements and project management planning
Land Use Assumptions Ten-year plan of land Identification of residential Water & sewer
use assumptions and & non-residential land use capacity plans,
infrastructure needs development opportunities debt issues