Page 28 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 28

The budgetary impact of planning processes in FY 2023 is projected at $11,112,844 and is comprised
               of the following:

                FY 2023 BUDGET IMPACT OF               General         Special
                PLANNING PROCESSES                 Government         Revenue      Enterprise
                                                         Funds          Funds          Funds          Totals
                Pay Plan Adjustments                 1,904,633      1,640,873        234,072      3,779,578

                              Prior Year Budget Impact  1,066,353       787,003        180,445      2,033,801
                                 Increase / (Decrease)   838,280        853,870         53,627      1,745,777
                Operating Transfer to                1,640,000               0             0      1,640,000
                Permanent Capital Maint. Fund
                              Prior Year Budget Impact  1,640,000            0              0       1,640,000
                                 Increase / (Decrease)        0              0              0              0
                Vehicle & Equip. Replacements        5,380,335               0       234,665      5,615,000

                              Prior Year Budget Impact  1,739,000       550,000             0       2,289,000
                                 Increase / (Decrease)  3,641,335      (550,000)       234,665      3,326,000
                Economic Development Fund                     0        78,266              0         78,266
                Incentives Appropriation
                              Prior Year Budget Impact        0          78,266             0          78,266
                                 Increase / (Decrease)        0              0              0              0
                TOTALS                               8,924,968      1,719,139        468,737     11,112,844

               Pay Plan adjustments total $3.78 million, an increase of $1.7 million over last year’s adjustments.
               All General Employees will receive a 3% market adjustment on October 1, and up to a 3% merit
               increase on their anniversary date.  General employees who are at the maximum of their pay grade
               (“topped out”) will receive a 3% lump sum payment on their anniversary date.

               Public Safety  employees  (with  the exception  of Police Officer and Firefighter/Paramedic)  will
               receive  a  3% market  adjustment on October 1,  and either a 3%  or 5%  step increase on their
               anniversary date.  Police Officers and Firefighter/Paramedics will receive a 5% market adjustment
               on October 1, and either a 3% or 5% step increase on their anniversary date. Topped out Public
               Safety employees will receive a 3% lump sum payment on their anniversary date.

               Operating transfers from the General fund to the Permanent Capital Maintenance fund for both
               facilities and parks total $1.64 million, no change from the last budget year.

               Vehicle and equipment replacements total $5,615,000 and represent an increase of $3.3 million from
               the previous year.  General fund replacements of $5.38 million are projected to be funded via a debt
               issue proposed for December 2022.

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