Page 227 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 227

                                     WATER AND WASTEWATER  PROJECTS

                                                                                     FY 2022-23
       UTILITIES PCMF PROJECTS:                                                    APPROVED
            200-43360-534-0         Water Permanent Capital Maintenance                 995,000
            200-43370-534-0         Wastewater Permanent Capital Maintenance            805,000

       TOTAL UTILITIES PCMF PROJECTS:                                                $1,800,000

       Water Distribution           FH Pressure monitoring                              $60,000
                                    Smart Cover MH sensors                              $15,000
                                    Main Line Valve Replacements                       $120,000

       Water Treatment Plant        Filter Effluent line                               $150,000
                                    Clearwell repairs or modifications                 $100,000
                                    High Service 7&8 and Raw Water 3 &4 VFD            $100,000
                                    Clarifier rehab or study                           $350,000
                                    Filter evaluation                                  $100,000

       Wastewater Collection
                                    Denton Creek Aerial crossing                        $10,000
                                    Manhole Repairs/Replacements                        $60,000

       Wastewater Treatment
                                    Train 3 Clarifier Drive Rehab                       $40,000
                                    Train 2 Air Line Actuator Valves                    $50,000
                                    Train 2 and 3 AB Isolation Valve                   $100,000
                                    Train 2 and 3 Plant Water                           $15,000
                                    Train 2 and 3 Wash Water Line                       $20,000

                                    Lift station pump replacements (6)                 $125,000
                                    Lift Station Grinders                              $100,000
                                    Station control/SCADA panel replacements (6)       $150,000
                                    Flow Meter Vaults                                   $60,000
                                    Fox Fire Generator Install                          $25,000
                                    Opryland Jock Pump                                  $50,000

       TOTAL UTILITIES PCMF PROJECTS:                                                               $1,800,000

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