Page 230 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 230

GOLF (210)
              REVENUE DETAIL

                                               2019-20     2020-21     2021-22      2021-22     2022-23
             Account/Description               Actual      Actual      Budget     Estimate    Approved

              34600  Golf Club Rental Revenues                     16,229               16,340               30,000               26,747               20,000
              34606  Cart Rentals                                631,108             773,847             650,000             851,326             750,000
             CART AND CLUB RENTALS                     647,337             790,187             680,000             878,073             770,000

              34607  Tournament Fees                                 1,430                 6,860                 2,500                 4,585                 2,500
             TOURNAMENT FEES                               1,430                 6,860                 2,500                 4,585                 2,500

              34610  Driving Range                               149,916             226,596             190,000             270,786             240,000
              34602  Range Credit Card Revenues                   26,982                     -               50,000                     -
             DRIVING RANGE                             176,899             226,596             240,000             270,786             240,000

              34616  Golf Merchandise Sales                      193,723             284,766             250,000             404,759             350,000
             GOLF PRO SHOP SALES                       193,723             284,766             250,000             404,759             350,000

              34620  Golf Course-Green Fees                   1,486,516          1,796,000          1,707,000          1,937,008          1,810,000
             GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES                 1,486,516          1,796,000          1,707,000          1,937,008          1,810,000

              34622  Annual Green Fee Memberships              247,000             354,250             325,000             313,000             400,000
             GREEN FEE MEMBERSHIPS                     247,000             354,250             325,000             313,000             400,000
              34625  Restaurant % Of Sales                         33,663               23,108               60,000               30,635               10,000
             RESTAURANT SALES %                          33,663               23,108               60,000               30,635               10,000

              34630  Lesson Income                                 14,920               25,580               15,000               16,296               20,000
             LESSON INCOME                               14,920               25,580               15,000               16,296               20,000

              39230  Interest On Investments                            529                     -                 1,200                 1,636                 1,200
              39231  Interest Earned-'98 Bds                            399                     -                    900                     -                    900
              39232  Int On Invest '02 Tax Note                         478                     -                    900                     -                    900
             INTEREST INCOME                               1,406                     -                 3,000                 1,636                 3,000
              34635  Golf-Sub-Lease                              235,264             307,634             270,000             339,932             310,000
             GOLF SUB-LEASE                            235,264             307,634             270,000             339,932             310,000

              39280  Gain Or Loss On Sale Of Assets                     -                (3,643)                    -                     -                     -
              39211 Indirect Cost Recovery                    359                     -                     -                     -                     -
              39950  Sales Of Fixed Assets                               -             240,400                     -                 5,874                     -
              39995  (Over)/Short                                         28                   (371)                    -                    202                     -
              39999  Miscellaneous Revenues                        20,102               27,377               20,000               17,674               20,000
             MISCELLANEOUS                               20,489             263,763               20,000               23,750               20,000

             TOTAL GOLF REVENUE                     3,058,648          4,078,744          3,572,500          4,220,460          3,935,500

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