Page 56 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 56

Strategic Plan

            Purpose of the Strategic Plan
            Colleyville's Strategic Plan acts as a planning and budgeting tool that guides the annual development of the City’s
            budget and in turn the operating and capital program focuses over the next 5-10 years. The City of Colleyville  rst revised
            its strategic plan in June of 2018, which began with a visioning workshop. During that time the sitting Council and senior
            staff were guided in de ning the City's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, culminating with the
            identi cation of the City's vision, mission and values, as well as over-arching goals that further de ned speci c strategies
            to be taken by the City. In support of the City’s overall Vision, Mission, and Values, citizen driven service expectations and
            risk mitigation strategies were identi ed, many of which remain in the plan's current version.

            Since the plan was  rst adopted, Colleyville's budget process has been rooted in adhering to these strategies. Additionally,
            performance measures are continually developed by staff as a means to align operations with this plan. The Strategic
            Plan is refreshed each year at a Council-led priorities workshop, which is typically held in June. During this workshop, City
            Council reviews progress towards initiatives with upper-level staff and analyzes speci c projects for inclusion in the
            operating and capital budget process, including estimated costs, funding sources, and other long-term implications. The
            current iteration of this plan is as follows:

            Examples of speci c programs added for FY23 in conjunction with the City's plan are:

                 Major Operating initiatives identi ed
                     the addition of 6 new School Resource Of cers in conjunction with strategies 2.1 and 2.4
                     the addition of 1 new Municipal Court Clerk in the Colleyville/Keller Municipal Court in conjunction with
                     strategies 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023                                                     Page 56
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