Page 38 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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diligence  shall  be  relieved  of  personal  responsibility  for  an  individual  security's  credit  risk  or  market  price
            changes,  provided  deviations  from  expectations  are  reported  in  a  timely  fashion  and  appropriate  action  is
            taken to control adverse developments.

            Investment of cers shall notify the City Council in writing of any con icts of interest, as de ned by the Public
            Funds Investment Act, no later than the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.

            It is the policy of the City that the Investment Of cers perform their duties in accordance with the policies and
            procedures set forth in this policy. The Investment Of cers of the City (City Manager, Chief Financial Of cer and
            Accounting Manager) shall be personally indemni ed in the event of investment loss provided the Investment
            Policy is followed.

            Internal Controls

            The Chief Financial Of cer and Accounting Manager shall establish a system of written internal controls which
            shall be reviewed annually by the independent auditor. The controls shall be designed to prevent the loss of
            public funds due to fraud, error, misrepresentation, unanticipated market changes or imprudent actions.

            Permissible Instruments

            The  following  is  a  list  of  permissible  instruments  as  authorized  by  the  70th  Texas  Legislature  in  the  Public
            Funds Investment Act (TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. ACT 842A-2) and amended by the 71st Legislature:

                . Obligations of the United States or its agencies or instrumentalities;

                . Direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies;

                . Other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the
                 State of Texas or the United States or its agencies or instrumentalities;

                . Obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any state having been
                 rated  as  to  investment  quality  by  nationally  recognized  investment  rating   rm  and  having  received  a
                 rating of not less than "A" or its equivalent;

                . Certi cates  of  deposit  issued  by  state  and  national  depository  institutions  that  have  its  main  of ce  or
                 branch of ce in this state that are:
                   a. Guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
                         Corporation, FSLIC or its successors; or
                   b. Secured by obligations that are described by subdivisions (1) through (4) of this subsection, which are
                     intended to include all direct federal agency or instrumentality issued mortgage backed securities,
                     and  which  have  a  market  value  of  not  less  than  the  principal  amount  of  the  certi cates  or  in  any
                     other manner and amount provided by law for deposits of the investing entities;

                . Invest in a local government investment pool as authorized by the Interlocal Cooperation Act (TEX. REV.
                 CIV. STAT. ANN. ACT. 4413 (32c), as amended, and the Public Funds Investment Act (TEX. REV. CIV. STAT.
                 ACT. 842a-2), as amended. The investment pool must comply with the requirements of the Public Funds
                 Investment Act, as amended, as follows:
                   a. The  investment  pool  maintains  a  stable  asset  value  of  one  dollar  as  de ned  in  the  Public  Funds
                     Investment Act;
                   b. The  investment  pool  maintains  a  AAA,  or  AAAm  rating  by  one  of  the  nationally  recognized  rating
                    c. The investment pool's maximum average dollar weighted maturity does not exceed 90 days; and

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