Page 36 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 36

USE OF BOND FUNDS: Any and all bond funds approved by a vote of the citizens of Colleyville will be expended only for
            the purposes stated in the bond issue.

            CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION: All certi cates of obligation issued by the City shall be approved by ordinance and issued
            in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

            CITY OF COLLEYVILLE INVESTMENT POLICY Policy  (last adopted 12/2021)

            It  is  the  policy  of  the  City  of  Colleyville  (the  City)  to  invest  public  funds  in  a  manner  which  will  provide  the
            highest  investment  return  with  the  maximum  security  while  meeting  the  daily  cash   ow  demands  of  the
            entity  and  conforming  to  all  State  of  Texas  laws  and  statutes  including  the  Public  Funds  Investment  Act,
            Chapter 2256 of the Government Code and City ordinances.


            This  investment  policy  applies  to  all   nancial  assets  of  the  City.  These  funds  are  accounted  for  in  the  City's
            Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and include:

                 General Fund
                 Special Revenue Funds
                 Capital Projects Funds
                 Enterprise Funds
                 Debt Service Funds, including reserves and sinking funds
                 Trust and Agency Funds, to the extent not required by law or existing contract to be kept segregated and
                 managed separately

            and any new fund created by the City Council, unless speci cally exempted by the City Council or by law. All
            funds may be combined as pooled funds unless speci cally prohibited by State law or statute or City ordinance.


            The primary objectives, in priority order, of the City’s investment activities shall be:

            Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City in managing its portfolio. Investments of the City
            shall  be  undertaken  in  a  manner  that  seeks  to  ensure  the  preservation  of  capital  in  the  overall  portfolio.  To
            attain this objective the City will diversify its investments by investing funds among

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