Page 37 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 37

a variety of securities offering independent returns and  nancial institutions. The City will also take into account
            the marketability of the investment if the need arises to liquidate the investment before maturity.

            Liquidity: The City will also maintain suf cient liquidity to provide adequate and timely working funds.

            Return on Investments: The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a rate of
            return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and
            cash  ow needs. The City investment strategy is passive and the portfolio shall be designed with the objective
            of  regularly  exceeding  the  weighted  average  return  on  thirteen-week  Treasury  bills.  This  is  considered  a
            benchmark for riskless investment transactions, and therefore, is a minimum standard for the portfolio's rate of
            return.  For  bond  funds  that  fall  under  the  arbitrage  provisions  of  the  Tax  Reform  Act  of  1986,  the  City  will
            attempt to earn allowable bond yield with market conditions permitting.

            Delegation of Authority

            The  City  designates  the  Investment  Of cers  to  be  the  City  Manager  with  overall  responsibilities  to  see  that
            investment  objectives  are  accomplished  and  the  Chief  Financial  Of cer  and  Accounting  Manager  with  the
            speci c day-today performance of managing the funds of the City.

            Ethics and Con|ict of Interest

            All investment Of cers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business
            activity that could con ict with proper execution of the investment program, or that could impair their ability to
            make  impartial  investment  decisions.  Employees  shall  disclose  to  the  City  of  Colleyville  and  Texas  Ethics
            Commission a statement under the following conditions:

               A. If  they  have  a  personal  business  relationship  with  a  business  organization  offering  to  engage  in  an
                 investment  transaction  with  the  entity.  Under  the  Public  Funds  Investment  Act,  a  personal  business
                 relationship is de ned as:

                    . The  investment  of cer  owns  10  percent  or  more  of  the  voting  stock  or  shares  of  the  business
                     organization or owns $5,000 or
                       more of the fair market value of the business organization:

                    . Funds received by the investment of cer from the business organization exceed 10 percent of the
                     investment of cer's gross income for the previous year; or

                    . The  investment  of cer  has  acquired  from  the  business  organization  during  the  previous  year,
                     investments with a book value of $2,500 or more for the personal account of the investment of cer.

               B. If they are related within the second degree by af nity or consanguinity, as determined by Chapter 573
                 V.A.T.C.S. to an individual seeking to sell an investment to the City of Colleyville.


            Investments shall be made with judgement and care – under circumstances then prevailing – which persons of
            prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but
            for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived.

            The standard of prudence to be used by investment of cials shall be the "prudent person", which means the
            of cer may not be an expert but is obligated to act responsibly and shall be applied in the context of managing
            an  overall  portfolio.  Investment  of cers  acting  in  accordance  with  written  procedures  and  exercising  due

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