Page 336 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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repair, temporary patches, crack sealing, refreshing pavement markings on a recurring basis and upkeep of over 3,100 street signs
to guide vehicular and pedestrian traf c throughout the City. Through these programs, the transportation systems will continue to
perform and citizens will be able to enjoy their community.
. Provide adaptable, clean, safe, accessible and energy-ef cient public facilities to uphold Colleyville’s reputation as a quality
3.4 - Thoroughly plan for future capital investments and associated costs
Facility Services provides an essential service by maintaining some of the City’s most valued public assets - City buildings. The
Library, Colleyville Center, and the Senior Center host educational, recreational, and social events that enhance the quality of life for
the citizens of Colleyville. City Hall, the Justice Center, the Public Works Service Center, and the City’s Fire Stations house the day-
to-day operations which enables the community to function ef ciently. Facility Services manages janitorial contracts, maintains
heating and air conditioning systems, oversees various contracts for major maintenance and repair and performs minor repairs.
. Provide all maintenance, monitoring, and procurement services for the City’s eet.
3.4 - Thoroughly plan for future capital investments and associated costs
The City’s Fleet Services facilitates the mobility of public servants dedicated to the City of Colleyville. Forecasting vehicle and
equipment life cycles along with an extensive preventative maintenance program improves overall eet health, reduces repair
costs and increases eet availability rates. The Police Department relies on this service to ensure safe and secure neighborhoods
which support a unique quality of life in Colleyville. Fleet Services supports Public Works in delivering emergency and routine
management of the vehicles and equipment that the City uses to operate. In an effort to maximize the ef cient use of resources,
the City entered into an agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management (EFM) for eet management services. The services include
procurement, disposal, and vehicle maintenance.
. Manage the stormwater system to protect properties from ooding, ensure that stormwater entering creeks and water ways
is free of pollutants and reduce health risks through the City’s Mosquito Management Program.
3.3 - Mitigate stormwater runoff and ooding risks
Stormwater management programs reduce the risk of ooding, prevent erosion and protect
water quality. Development within the City’s oodplains and oodways is managed by Public Works in accordance with federal
and state laws and regulations. Engineering administers the Municipal Separate Service Stormwater System (MS4) permit and
ensures compliance with regulations governing clean water and stormwater runoff. Environmental compliance efforts include the
citywide Integrated Mosquito Management Program to mitigate public health risks. Regular inspections of inlets and outfalls
reduce the likelihood of hazardous driving conditions during rain events. Monitoring the quality of runoff for pollutants protects
local water sources and the environment.
. Guarantee a safe, reliable and adequate water supply is provided to residents and visitors of Colleyville.
3.2 - Ensure regular replacement of water and wastewater facilities
The City of Colleyville purchases treated water from the Trinity River Authority. Water Distribution manages this vital resource
around the clock by maintaining three elevated storage towers, one ground storage tank, a pump station, and 200+ miles of water
mains. Routine maintenance of these assets includes ushing dead-end water mains, regularly replacing meters and exercising
valves throughout the network. Water is routinely sampled and tested from various sites throughout the City for chlorine residual,
bacteria, lead and copper. The Engineering Division oversees the construction of water system infrastructure to ensure
improvements meet Colleyville Development Standards. These standard practices ensure the delivery of clean potable water to
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 336