Page 234 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 234

5-Year + Outlook

             When considering the future of public libraries, one key word permeates the literature: transformation. Public libraries today are
             facing unprecedented transformation. One of the major drivers of this transformation is the fast-changing world of technology,
             which is dramatically reshaping the  eld of information services. But, in the midst of this chaotic change, the overall mission of
             public libraries still prevails and remains a cornerstone of our free society: providing free and fair access to information anytime,
             Over  the  next   ve  years,  libraries  must  be  ready  to  evaluate  the  library  experience,  embrace  new  information  technologies,
             preserve the memories of their communities, and experiment with creative spaces so the future role of the library can de ne itself.
             Many predict that libraries in the future will be command centers for information; changing their focus from storehouses for books
             to connecting centers for people.
             The Colleyville Public Library Long-Range Plan 2022-2027 articulates a vision and plan for the Colleyville Public Library for the next
              ve years, and provides recommendations for user-centered service delivery, marketing, collections, technology, programs, and
             services. The Plan recommendations include:
                  Increase access to digital collections
                  Streamline access to the collection
                  Reallocate collection areas
                  Engage the aging population
                  Develop an emergency response strategy
                  Implement strategies to react to changing technology needs
                  Develop an Omnichannel Marketing Plan
                  Develop a replacement plan for end of use furniture and equipment

             The plan includes vision and mission statements for the Library and identi es goals, objectives, and activities to implement the
             Library's core service priorities, identi ed in the City’s Business Plan.

                                              Depar tmental Speci{c Objectives

             Description             Timeline                Strategic Goal Link
                                                             2.1 Provide responsive, ef cient
                                                             city services

             Replace the Librar y's two 10-
                                                             2.3 Effectively leverage
             year old plus existing
                                     Fall of 2023            information technology
             Automated Materials

             Handling systems (AMH)
                                                             5.3 Provide attractive facilities
             with state - of- the -ar t returns
                                                             for leisure and recreation
             and sor ting systems.

                                                             2.1 Provide responsive, ef cient
                                                             city services

             Identif y a location and
                                                             2.3 Effectively leverage
             implement a remote locker
                                     Fall of 2023
                                                             information technology
             system for holds, allowing

             users to reser ve an after-
                                                             5.3 Provide attractive facilities
             hours pick-up location.
                                                             for leisure and recreation

                                                             2.1 Provide responsive, ef cient
                                                             city services
             Add 3branch Train Track

             Top Discover y Table to
             enhance activity options in Spring of 2023
                                                             5.3 Provide attractive facilities
                                                             for leisure and recreation
             the Librar y ’s early literacy
             interactive play area.

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