Page 232 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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allowed to place holds on materials online or in the Library and receive e-mail or telephone noti cation when the item becomes
available. The Library’s online catalog is designed to enhance the user experience and facilitates access to the Library’s materials
collections. It includes such features as seamless incorporation of eBooks and other digital content in the Library’s catalog;
re nements to narrow searches and structure searching; self-service options for users including sharing reading lists or saved
searches with friends; and Novelist Select® and Goodreads® integration for readers’ advisory including, “more like this”
recommendations, complete series information and reader reviews, anywhere, anytime users search. Additionally, the Library
offers a variety of programs to support this service including summer reading programs for adults, teens and children; ction and
non- ction book clubs and lm discussion book clubs. The Library has space to display new materials in a prominent location;
display shelving to merchandize collections and media and has meeting space to provide programs. Also, the Library has
knowledgeable staff who can provide reader/viewer/listener advisory services to users and plan and present programs.
2. Provide early literacy programs and services to create young readers
2.1- Provide responsive, ef cient city services
5.3- Provide attractive facilities for leisure and recreation
The Library offers an array of programs and services for children from birth to age ve designed to ensure that they will enter
school ready to learn to read, write, and listen. To support this service, the Library offers weekly story time programs divided by age
of intended audience, pre-talkers, talkers and pre-readers. The story programs include interactive components such as stories,
singing, puppets, action rhymes, nger plays, crafts, and STEM/STEAM activities. The Library supports the Every Child Ready to
Read @ your library early literacy initiative and incorporates the six pre-reading skills that children must learn in order to learn to
read in story time programs. The Library sponsors a Books for Babies program, which is a national literacy program that acquaints
parents of newborns with the important role they play in the development of their children. Parents are presented with a Books
for Babies kit containing a board book for baby, baby’s rst library card, a bib, and a variety of brochures with reading tips and early
literacy information from nationally-recognized educational organizations. Also, the Library is a part of 1,000 Books Before
Kindergarten a national program which encourages parents to read 1,000 books with their child before they walk through the
kindergarten doors. The program is free to the community and includes a Family Reading Starter Pack lled with ideas, book
suggestions, reading logs, and prize levels. As parent and child progresses through the levels, rewards are available to children. The
Library includes a “Read to Me” component in the summer reading program, and other reading programs, with incentives for
parents/caregivers and the children. Additionally, the Library provides ve Early Literacy Station educational computers which
feature more than 85 educational software programs for preschool children. The Library’s materials collection for youth includes
print, media and electronic resources to support early literacy and includes board books, book/media kits, concept books, DVDs
and CDs, picture books, I-Can-Read books, VOX Books, books that talk, Literacy kits, STEAM kits and online e-books for preschool
children. The Library has a dedicated area for children ages newborn to ve that is comfortable, safe and appropriate for this age
group and includes space to provide preschool programs. Also, the Library has staff, knowledgeable about early literacy, who can
develop and deliver effective programs for preschool children.
3. Provide resources for lifelong learning
2.1- Provide responsive, ef cient city services
5.3- Provide attractive facilities for leisure and recreation
5.4- Actively seek public/private partnerships
The Library works to insure that Colleyville residents of all ages will have a resource center that provides materials and programs
that address their need to explore topics of interest for self-directed personal growth and development opportunities throughout
their lives. To support this service, the Library provides an array of adult and children’s non- ction library materials in a variety of
formats: books; magazines; DVDs; books on CD; STEAM kits; digital media downloads, including eAudio books, eBooks, eMagazines
and eNewspapers; and access to online databases in the Library and remotely. To supplement the Library’s materials collection,
the Library provides Interlibrary Loan Service, which allows the Library to request materials for patrons throughout the nation and
worldwide. To provide additional access to resources, the Library participates in the TexShare Card Program, which allows patrons
to borrow materials from any other participating Texas library. Also, to support this service, the Library provides in-person,
telephone, and e-mail reference service; public internet computer stations; wireless internet throughout the library; wireless
internal/remote printing; photocopier/fax services; and study rooms. Ongoing, the Library provides a variety of adult and children’s
programs to provide lifelong learning opportunities. The Library works with local organizations to cosponsor demonstrations of
topics of interest, and displays exhibits of local organizations and local residents to promote learning opportunities. Also, the
Library provides safe and welcoming physical spaces for users to meet and interact with others or to sit quietly and read, and
virtual spaces that support networking and learning. The Library has staff that is knowledgeable about print and electronic
resources, and can plan and present programs on a variety of lifelong learning topics.
4. Provide special events that promote a sense of community in a safe and fun environment
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 232