Page 14 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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As with each year, staff examined the budget line-by-line in an effort to place expenditures in the most appropriate
fund. In past years, this effort led to more ef cient utilization of Hotel Tax dollars and Colleyville Economic
Development Corporation (CEDC) funds, alleviating signi cant expenditure burdens on the General Fund’s property
taxes. The restrictions on the Hotel Tax Fund are that expenditures must be limited to (1) efforts to attract guests to our
hotel industry and (2) seven other speci c stipulations, one of which is to advertise the City to individuals and
businesses. Staff identi ed the following positions as being quali ed for this funding source: the Community Relations
Specialist whose job is to advertise Colleyville, and the Colleyville Center Manager who spends approximately 60% of
her time on wedding-related activities at the City-owned Colleyville Center. For FY23, the Council has approved two
additional full-time positions for the Parks CEDC operations: a Landscape Beauti cation Supervisor and an additional
Parks Maintenance Technician. These positions will be dedicated to maintaining the recent beauti cation efforts
spearheaded by the City.
Restrictions on the CEDC Fund expenses include parks and park facilities, our library, our community center, open
space improvements, and other facilities and improvements. From this, staff determined that Colleyville Center’s Sales
and Event Specialist could be reallocated to the CEDC Fund, as well as the remaining 40% of the Colleyville Center
Manager’s salary. Staff further identi ed $260,000 in contractual costs for the mowing of parks properties that could
be reallocated from the General Fund to the CEDC Fund in FY22. The City will continue to reallocate costs to this fund
where appropriate.
The City also takes advantage of an extra half-cent sales tax dedicated to police funding. This revenue and
corresponding expenditures are located in the Crime Control and Prevention District Fund. The City currently funds
also moved one additional police of cer position from the General Fund into the Colleyville Crime Control and
Prevention District Fund (CCCPD), which exists solely to pay for police department operations. In past years, 16
positions have been funded out of the CCCPD, 13 of which are sworn of cers. For FY23, staff allocated an additional 6
new School Resource Of cer positions in this fund.
This strategy plays an important part in keeping the City’s tax rate low, and it will continue to be a focus in future years.
Adjusts General Fund revenue to account for legislative changes and transitioning to nearing residential
Fiscal year 2023 will be the third year operating under the property tax calculation changes from Senate Bill 2, which
was approved by the Texas Legislature during the 84 Legislative Session. Among the modi cations made, the
effective rate is now called the no-new-revenue rate, and rollback rate is now called the voter approval rate.
Additionally, cities will be permitted to only raise their tax revenue by 3.5% net of new development revenue before
holding a mandatory vote. As discussed earlier, Colleyville is operating with its calculated no-new-revenue tax rate for
scal year 2023. The adopted budget also re ects Colleyville nearing residential build-out and transitioning to more of
a redevelopment and rehabilitation phase by reducing building permit and associated development fee revenue.
Demonstrates responsible {scal management with corporate-like ef{ciency
City staff has focused on ef ciency and sustainability over the last several years, saving well over $1,000,000 in General
Fund operating costs. This effort to reduce expenditures was about more than just limiting labor costs and saving
dollars. It was an effort to bring corporate-like ef ciency to the organization. Our strategy is to only take in the revenue
necessary to provide programs and services, rather than accept the maximum possible revenue and then decide how
to spend it. This effort continues with the adopted scal year 2023 budget. This will be the third full year with the new
Enterprise Fleet Management contract to assist the City staff with eet purchasing and maintenance scheduling,
which ultimately saves the City money by timing the disposal of vehicles to maximize return, providing a newer eet,
therefore reducing maintenance costs, and utilizing a eet with better gas mileage. A consistently refreshed eet will
also provide enhanced safety features for employees who drive the vehicles. The retirement of the eet service
manager in the summer of 2019 provided an opportunity to evaluate how the City conducts its eet purchasing and
maintenance operations. Rather than ll the position, the City has shifted the management oversight to the current
eld operations supervisor.
The City absorbs costs whenever possible, reallocating dollars to where the need exists rather than being content with
the status quo on resource prioritization. This effort pays dividends when attempting to hold service levels steady
amidst a global pandemic and subsequent economic recession. Personnel cost increases and maintaining service
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 14