Page 536 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 536


                                                                PErSOnnEL SCHEDULE

             summary Of PersOnnel Changes - fy 2021 revised vs. fy 2022 adOPTed

            general fund
            The General Fund full-time equivalent (FTE) count increased by 0.918 FTEs. This is due to the reclassification of two
            positions  from  part-time  to  full-time  in  the  Finance  and  Information  Technology  Department  and  the  Economic
            Development and Tourism Department and partial funding for the addition of a part-time Municipal Court Officer. In
            the Finance and Information Technology Department, an Intern position is proposed to be reclassified to an Application
            Developer I. This reclassification is due to the increase of application development requests that are needed for City
            services. In the Economic Development and Tourism Department, a part-time Events Specialist is proposed to be
            reclassified  as  a  full-time  Economic  Development  Specialist.  This  reclassification  reallocates  resources  to  support
            business  retention  and  expansion  efforts,  economic  research,  data  assembling,  technical  assignments  as  well  as
            marketing and media communications.  The addition of the Municipal Court Officer updated court requirements for
            Municipal Court, which requires more officers to hold court.  This position is partially funded by the General Fund and
            partially funded by the Court Security Fund.

            Additionally, two positions are proposed to be reclassified, though not increase the overall number of positions or
            the FTE count. In the Library, one Librarian position is proposed to be reclassified to a Library Manager. In Human
            Resources an HR Generalist is proposed to be reclassified to an HR Business Partner. These reclassifications of current
            positions align the staffing needs to the City’s current service demand.

            COurT seCuriTy fund
            The Court Security Fund FTE count increased by 0.208 FTEs for FY 2022. This increase is due to COVID-19 protocols and
            social distancing requirements for Municipal Court, which requires more bailiffs to hold court.

                                                                           BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  535
   531   532   533   534   535   536   537   538   539   540   541