Page 532 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 532


                                                        FrEQUEnTLY ASKED QUESTIOnS

            What  percentage  change  are we anticipating  in  general  fund  sales  tax revenue  for FY 2021
            (Adopted) to FY 2022 (budget)?

            It is estimated that we will collect $16,405,450 in General Fund sales tax in FY 2022.  This number represents a 14.6%
            decrease when compared to the FY 2021 Adopted Budget. This projection is based on the anticipated recovery of the
            retail and business economy from the impacts of COVID-19 in FY 2020.

            General Fund

            What is meant by achieving a structurally balanced budget?
            A structurally balanced budget is one in which revenues exceed planned operating expenditures, making it unnecessary
            to use reserves for recurring operational expenses.

            What is meant by the term “fund balance?”
            Fund balance is the term used to describe the General Fund reserves.  Under City policy, the fund balance should be
            15-25% of the City’s operating expenses.

            How is the fund balance used?
            Typically the fund balance is an unrestricted reserve of funds that is used to address emergencies or unanticipated

            May a portion of the fund balance be designated for particular needs as part of the budget process?
            Yes.  It may be used for one-time expenditures such as capital needs, provided that the percentage of funds on hand
            remains within the desired range of 15-25%.  It would not be wise, however, to use the fund balance to cover recurring
            expenses (e.g. salaries or other operational expenses).

            What percentage of General Fund expenditures go to various departments?
            The general fund is allocated as follows:

             Public Safety                           43.2%

             General Government*                     19.1%
             Community Services**                    14.6%

             Public Works                            11.3%
             Finance                                  5.8%

             Planning                                 5.4%
             Economic Development                     0.6%

            *Includes City Manager’s Office, Communications, City Secretary’s Office, Human Resources, Information Technology,
            and Support Services.
            **Includes Parks and Recreation, Community Services, and Library.
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