Page 511 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 511


                                     BUDGET GLOSSArY


         Reappropriation: A legal authorization granted by the City Council to reappropriate expenditures to the current budget
         year for a specific purpose or program that was budgeted but unexpended at the end of the prior year.

         Recycling Fund: This fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures surrounding the City’s contract with its solid
         waste provider which requires them to make a monthly payment into the recycling fund. This money is used for several
         recycling projects and initiatives.

         Red Light Camera Fund: This fund accounts for fines collected from violations issued from the City’s red light enforcement
         camera system.  Funds collected by the City of Southlake as a result of violations/citations issued must be used for traffic
         safety programs.

         Reforestation Fund: This fund accounts for revenues and expenditures dedicated for reforestation. These funds are
         derived from assessments related to the tree preservation ordinance and policies.

         Reserve: A segregation of assets to provide for future use toward a specified purpose.

         Resources: Total dollars available for appropriations including estimated revenues, fund transfers and beginning fund

         Revenue: Income received by the City to support programs or services to the community. It includes such items as taxes,
         fees, user charges, grants, fines, forfeits, interest income and miscellaneous revenue.

         Revenue Estimate: A formal estimate of how much revenue will be earned from a specific source for some future
         period; typically, a year.

         Rollback Tax Rate:  See voter-approval tax rate.


         Salaries and Wages: Amounts paid for services rendered by employees in accordance with rates, hours, terms and
         conditions authorized by law or stated in employment contracts. This category also includes overtime and seasonal help.

         Special Assessment Debt: Principal and interest on bonds related to Local Improvement Districts. This type of debt
         is callable when money is available to make payments which occurs when prepayments are received from property
         owners. The City budgets as if the entire debt will be paid in the current year, although this is highly unlikely.

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