Page 507 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 507


                                     BUDGET GLOSSArY

        payment of long-term principle and interest costs for debt incurred to construct The Marq Southlake Phase II.

        Contingency: A budgetary reserve set aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures.

        Court Security Fund: The Court Security Fund is used to account for municipal court fees assessed to provide for court

        Court Technology Fund: The Court Technology Fund is used to account for municipal court fees assessed to provide
        for court technology.

        Crime Control & Prevention District (CCPD): A citizen approved district that utilizes a half-cent sales tax for the purchase
        of land and capital improvements for the Department of Public Safety.

        Crime Control & Prevention District (CCPD) Operating Fund: The Crime Control & Prevention District Operating Fund
        is a special revenue fund established to account for the operations of the Crime Control District, which was established
        for the financing and development of crime control projects within the City of Southlake. This fund is funded primarily
        through the receipt of municipal sales taxes.

        Current Assets: Those assets which are available or can be made readily available to finance current operations or to
        pay current liabilities.

        Current Liabilities: Debt or other legal obligations arising out of transactions in the past which must be liquidated,
        renewed, or refunded within one year.


        Debt Service: The annual payment of principal and interest on the City’s indebtedness.

        Deficit: The excess of the liabilities of a fund over its assets. The excess of expenditures over revenues during an
        accounting period; or, in the case of proprietary funds, the excess of expense over income during an accounting period.

        Delinquent Taxes:  Taxes that remain unpaid on and after the due date on which a penalty for non-payment is attached.

        Depreciation: The periodic expiration of an asset’s useful life. Depreciation is a requirement, in proprietary type funds
        (such as enterprise and internal service funds).


        Economic Development Investment Fund:  The Southlake 2030 Economic Development & Tourism Strategic Plan
        includes  the  following  as  recommendation  4.3:    “Southlake  should  establish  a  fund  to  use  to  attract  and  retain
        employers, as well as to help retain and expand existing businesses.”  This fund was created in 2013 for that purpose.

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