Page 59 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 59
Street & Sidewalk Capital Projects
Department Project Title Project Number
Public Works Meadow Lakes Drive & Rufe Snow Drive Intersection PW1602
Project Description
The area along Rufe Snow, south of LP 820, is severely congested with 7 different ingress/egress points within a 700 foot span. The
project proposes the conversion of the current Rufe Snow/Meadow Lakes 3 way signalized intersection into a 4 way signalized
intersection that would be a separate but complimentary project to ST0102 - Rufe Snow Drive Street & Utility Improvements, which
calls for a raised median along Rufe Snow. This project would extend Meadow Lakes east of Rufe Snow, connecting to the
commercial area along LP 820. The project would also eliminate 3 of the 7 ingress/egress points within the 700 foot span.
Project Justification
In January of 2012, City Council requested staff to proceed with a long term plan to reduce congestion, improve safety and enhance
mobility in this particular area. According to internal traffic counts, there are over 30,000 cars per day along Rufe Snow between
Karen Drive and LP 820, with automobiles stacking well south of Marilyn Lane during peak periods. As the LP 820 corridor
redevelops, increase traffic volume and improved access to and from commercial areas on the south side of LP 820 will be
Project Status Update: Staff is re-evaluating additional improvements on the project.
Note: Funding is from Certificates of obligation.
Project Schedule Beginning Date Ending Date History Fiscal Year Amount
Professional Services Adopted Budget 2015-16 $1,315,000
Engineering/Design 05/2016 03/2017 Revision 2017-18 ($150,000)
Land/ROW Acquisition 05/2016 09/2017 Total $1,065,000
Construction 07/2017 10/2018
Total Schedule 05/2016 10/2018
Sources of Funds Appr. To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Funding
General Obligation Bonds
Certificates of Obligation 1,065,000 0 0 0 $1,065,000
Federal/State Grants
Sales Tax
Total Funding $1,065,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,065,000
Project Costs To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Cost
Professional Services
Engineering/Design 80,000 0 0 0 $80,000
Land/ROW Acquisition 435,000 0 0 0 $435,000
Construction 550,000 0 0 0 $550,000
Total Costs $1,065,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,065,000
Operating Impact
No operating impact is anticipated
Fiscal Year 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 Total Impact
Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0