Page 57 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 57
Street & Sidewalk Capital Projects
Department Project Title Project Number
Public Works Main St. Streetscaping & Snider St. Extension Project ST1102
Project Description
This project connects Main St. and expands Snider St. with the Smithfield Station. Located in the center of the Smithfield Transit
Oriented Development, Main St. is an existing street that lacks pedestrian infrastructure such as sidewalks, street furniture, lighting
and trees. Snider St. intersects with Main St. and will be extended northward as a pedestrian friendly street (sidewalks, street
furniture, lighting and trees). A majority of the funds come from the NCTCOG Sustainable Development Funding Program that
connects public transportation, pedestrian mobility and mixed use development. Project funding is contingent upon NCTCOG
approval and notice to proceed. Project scope also includes land purchase in the Smithfield TOD.
Project Justification
Main St. Streetscaping & Snider St. Extension Project is designated to promote a pedestrian friendly mixed use environment
adjacent to the future Smithfield Rail Station as part of the approved Smithfield TOD District. This project is part of a COG
Sustainable Development grant. Eighty percent of total funding will be provided as part of this approved grant. The grant funding will
become available when a developer provides a "Letter of Intent" to develop the property. The "Beginning" and "Ending" dates
identified in the schedule could change depending on when the property develops.
Project Status Update: Project is on hold pending NCTCOG action to move forward with the proposed agreement.
Funding Sources: Grants at $2,240,040; Project Savings Reserves at $196,010; Other will be funded by either Developer
Contributions or a portion of proceeds received from the sale of property at $430,000. FY 17-18 Revised funding comes from
consolidating ST1101 Main Street Streetscaping Project into this project.
Project Schedule Beginning Date Ending Date History Fiscal Year Amount
Professional Services Adopted Budget 2010-11 $2,800,050
Engineering/Design 03/2020 09/2020 Revision 2017-18 $66,000
Land/ROW Acquisition 01/2021 12/2021 Total $2,866,050
Construction 11/2020 10/2021
Total Schedule 03/2020 12/2021
Sources of Funds Appr. To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Funding
General Obligation Bonds
Certificates of Obligation 0 0 0 0 $0
Federal/State Grants 2,240,040 0 0 0 $2,240,040
Reserves 196,010 0 0 0 $196,010
Sales Tax
Other 430,000 0 0 0 $430,000
Total Funding $2,866,050 $0 $0 $0 $2,866,050
Project Costs To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Cost
Professional Services
Engineering/Design 254,550 0 0 0 $254,550
Land/ROW Acquisition 0 0 0 0 $0
Construction 2,611,500 0 0 0 $2,611,500
Total Costs $2,866,050 $0 $0 $0 $2,866,050
Operating Impact
No operating impact anticipated.
Fiscal Year 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 Total Impact
Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0