Page 312 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 312

Performance Budget          A budget that  focuses upon activities  rather than  line items.
                                           Work load and unit cost data are collected in order to assess the
                                           efficiency of services.  Typical data collected  might include
                                           miles of streets paved per year, cost of paved streets per mile,
                                           tons of garbage collected per man hour, or cost per man hour of
                                           garbage collection.

               Performance Measures        Specific quantitative  and  qualitative  measures of  work
                                           performed as an objective of the department.

               Program Budget              A  budget  that  focuses  upon  the  goals  and  objectives  of  an
                                           agency or jurisdiction rather than upon its organizational budget
                                           classes of expenditure.

               Project                     Something  that  is  contemplated  or planned, a large or major
                                           undertaking, especially one involving considerable money,
                                           personnel, and equipment.

               Propose                     To offer for consideration, acceptance, or action.

               Property Tax                Property taxes are levied on both real and personal property
                                           according to the property's valuation and the tax rate.

               Proprietary Fund            Funds to provide the same type of information as the
                                           government-wide fund statements, except in more detail.

               Purchase Order              A document  that authorizes  the delivery of specified
                                           merchandise or the rendering of certain services and the making
                                           of a charge for them.

               Reconciliation              A detailed summary of increases and decreases in departmental
                                           expenditures from one budget year to another.

               Requisition                 A written request from a department to the Budget/Accounting
                                           office for specific goods or services.  This action precedes the
                                           authorization of a purchase order.

               Reserve                     An account used to indicate that a portion of a fund's balance is
                                           legally restricted  for  a specific purpose and is, therefore, not
                                           available for general appropriation.

               Revenue                     Funds that the government receives as income.  It includes such
                                           items as tax payments, fees from specific services, receipts from
                                           other governments, fines, forfeitures, grants, shared revenues
                                           and interest income.

               Revenue Bonds               Bonds usually sold for constructing a project that will produce
                                           revenue  for  the government. The revenue is used  to pay  the
                                           principal and interest of the bond.

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