Page 311 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 311

Inventory                   A detailed listing of property currently held by the government.

               Invoice                     A bill requesting payment for goods or services by a vendor or
                                           other governmental unit.

               Levy                        To impose taxes, special assessments, or service charges for the
                                           support of City activities.

               Liability                   Debt or other legal obligation arising out of transactions in the
                                           past which must be liquidated, renewed, or refunded.

               Line-Item Budget            A budget that lists each expenditure category separately (salary,
                                           materials, telephone service, travel, etc.), along with the dollar
                                           amount budgeted for each specified category.

               Maintenance                 The upkeep of physical  properties  in condition  for use or
                                           occupancy. Examples: inspection of equipment to detect defects
                                           and the making of repairs.

               Major Funds                 All funds including General, Enterprise, Special Revenue, and
                                           Capital Funds.

               Merit Incentive             A salary or benefit adjustment based on an employee’s overall
                                           job performance that would warrant a salary or benefit increase.

               Modified Accrual            A  basis  of  accounting  in  which expenditures  are  accrued  but
               Accounting                  revenues  are accounted  for a cash  basis.  This  accounting
                                           technique is a combination of cash and accrual accounting since
                                           expenditures are immediately incurred as a liability while
                                           revenues are not recorded until they are actually received or are
                                           "measurable" and "available for expenditure." Since this type of
                                           accounting basis is a conservative financial approach, it is
                                           recommended as the standard for most governmental funds.

               Non-Exempt                  Personnel eligible to receive overtime pay when work beyond
                                           their normal schedule has been authorized or requested by the

               Object Code                 An expenditure category, such as salaries, supplies, or vehicles.

               Operating Budget            The portion of the budget that pertains to daily operations that
                                           provides  basic governmental services.  The  operating budget
                                           contains appropriations for such expenditures as  personnel,
                                           supplies, utilities, materials, travel and fuel.

               Operating Fund              A fund restricted to a fiscal budget year.

               Ordinance                   A formal  legislative enactment by the governing board  of  a
                                           municipality.  An  ordinance  requires  more  legal formality  and
                                           has a higher legal status than a resolution.

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