Page 309 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 309

Expense Object Class        A basis for distinguishing types of expenditures. The five major
                                           expense object classes used by the City of Mansfield are:  8000
                                           series-personnel services, 8100 series-supplies, 8200-8400
                                           series-maintenance, 8500-8900 series-other operating, and 9000
                                           series-capital outlay.

               Expenses                    Charges  incurred  (whether paid immediately or unpaid)  for
                                           operation, maintenance, interest and other charges.

               Fiscal Year                 The twelve month time period designated by the City signifying
                                           the  beginning  and  ending  period  for  recording  financial
                                           transactions.  The City of Mansfield has specified October 1  to
                                           September 30  as its fiscal year.

               Fixed Assets                Assets of long-term character which are intended to continue to
                                           be held or used, such as  land, buildings,  machinery, furniture
                                           and other equipment.

               Franchise                   A  special  privilege  granted  by  a  government  permitting  the
                                           continued use of public  property, such  as  city streets, and
                                           usually involving the elements of monopoly and regulation.

               Franchise Fee               A  fee paid  by public service  utilities  for the use of  public
                                           property in providing their services.

               Full-Time Equivalent        The amount of time a position has been budgeted on an annual
               Positions (FTE)             basis. A Full-Time Employee  (FTE) normally works 2,080
                                           hours  on an  annual basis  while a  part-time  FTE would  work
                                           1,040 hours annually.

               Fund                        An accounting  entity that  has a set of  self-balancing accounts
                                           and that records all financial transactions for specific activities
                                           or government functions.  Eight commonly used funds in public
                                           accounting are: general fund, special revenue funds, debt service
                                           funds, capital project funds, enterprise funds, trust and agency
                                           funds, internal service funds, and special assessment funds.

               Fund Balance                Fund balance  is  the excess of assets  over liabilities and is
                                           therefore also known as surplus funds (or retained earnings in
                                           private enterprises).

               Full Faith and Credit       A pledge of  the  general  taxing power of a government  to a
                                           government  to  repay debt obligations (typically used  in
                                           reference to bonds).

               Function                    A group of related  programs  crossing  organizational
                                           (departmental) boundaries and aimed at accomplishing a broad
                                           goal or accomplishing a major service.

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