Page 51 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 51


               The function of this department is to provide the highest level of service, in partnership with the
               community, to foster a safe atmosphere promoting the highest quality of life for all people.

                H I G H L I G H T S   A N D   G O A L S   A C C O M P L I S H E D
                   ▪   Increased security protocols

                   ▪   Updated Procedure Manual to reflect current software and protocol
                   ▪   Partnered with City of Fort Worth Teen Court

                   ▪   Established Language Line for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) clients
                   ▪   Ongoing relationship building with other Court Administrators and Directors for resource
                       and information sharing
                   ▪   Encouraged community engagement and public education by participation in Municipal
                       Court Week and Public Safety Open House
                   ▪   Achieved Certified Court Clerk Level: II

                S H O R T - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪   Upgrade LT System
                   ▪   Dependent on the COVID-19 status and the ability to volunteer-court will coordinate and
                       make presentations at High School/s in Kennedale ISD for Court 101. This will foster a trust
                       relationship between the community -in early stages, and the Municipal Court system.

                L O N G - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪   Set up information in community events in Town Center Park and the Library

                   ▪   Pursue CCM (Certified Court Manager) certification through TMCEC
                S T A F F I N G   R E S O U R C E S
                   ▪   Court Administrator/Juvenile Case Manager (JCM) – 1.0 FTE
                   ▪   Municipal Judge – Contracted

                   ▪   City Prosecutor – Contracted

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